I have a 1974 Mk IIA Interstate that has been sitting idle for 20 years. I bought it new in the UK (actually Wales) and the last time it ran was in 1995. At that time it was only running on the right side cylinder. I won't bore you with why I haven't started it since then, but I have time now so decided to get it going. I checked this forum for advice on how to prep it (you guys are a fantastic source of technical info - thanks!), and spent some time getting it ready. Changed the fluids of course, stripped the carbs, new battery and plugs. The main jet on the left cylinder was blocked and that probably explains why the left cylinder wasn't firing. It was stored in an unheated garage, and the winters here in Vancouver, Canada are pretty wet so since it had been sitting so long without being kicked over regularly I was worried that it might be seized. When I parked it I may have squirted some oil in the cylinders, but I don't remember for sure. I saw an episode of "Chasing Classic Cars" where Wayne used "Mystery Oil" to loosen up a seized engine on one of his cars, so I got a bottle and dumped some in both cylinders. I wasn't paying attention to how much I put in, but I thought that if a little is good a lot must be better. Probably put at least three quarters of a cup in each cylinder as well as the inlet valves and let it sit for a few days. With both plugs out I hand-cranked the kick start and a stream of Mystery Oil shot out of the left cylinder, across the garage and onto my easy chair (I sit in it for thinking - not good at that on my feet). Not seized then. Cleaned and gapped the points, and adjusted the timing statically (It was way out, probably also contributing to the single cylinder running). Rinsed out the gas tank a few times with new fuel to clean out the worst of the crud (I at least had the foresight to drain the tank and the carbs 20 years ago, and sprayed oil inside the tank as well). That's the background.
Today I decided to try and start the bike. Tickled the carbs, choked it and gave it a kick - nothing. Took the choke off and gave it another kick, and surprise of surprises, it started! I didn't rev it too high, just a little above idle (tach not working - yet) and was just standing there marvelling at this amazing piece of British engineering, listening to the sound as all the memories came flooding back. Then the distinct smell of Marvel Mystery Oil brought me back to reality. I peered over to the left side of the bike and there was a growing puddle of reddish oil just under the joint between the head pipe and the muffler (I have the noise control model, with bean can silencers). I checked the oil return and it was pumping nicely. The exhaust smoke from both mufflers was more of a greyish color, not black, but was heavier from the left side. I shut the engine down and took the mufflers off. I stuffed a rag on a flexible rod down the head pipes and the left side pipe had a quite a bit of Mystery oil in it, while the right side pipe didn't have any. I sopped up as much of the oil as I could, put the mufflers back on and started it again. The left side joint spit out a little more oil, not bad, but the greyish exhaust smoke seemed to be heavier from the left side than the right.
Now my question. I'm itching to take the bike for a ride but don't want to do any damage. Any ideas why there would be Mystery oil in the left side exhuast pipe but not the right side? Do I have a piston ring problem? I am the original owner, and the engine has never been opened up since new. There is probably something like 40K miles on the bike, maybe more (speedo was smashed by a vandal), and it might be time to do so. Thoughts?
Today I decided to try and start the bike. Tickled the carbs, choked it and gave it a kick - nothing. Took the choke off and gave it another kick, and surprise of surprises, it started! I didn't rev it too high, just a little above idle (tach not working - yet) and was just standing there marvelling at this amazing piece of British engineering, listening to the sound as all the memories came flooding back. Then the distinct smell of Marvel Mystery Oil brought me back to reality. I peered over to the left side of the bike and there was a growing puddle of reddish oil just under the joint between the head pipe and the muffler (I have the noise control model, with bean can silencers). I checked the oil return and it was pumping nicely. The exhaust smoke from both mufflers was more of a greyish color, not black, but was heavier from the left side. I shut the engine down and took the mufflers off. I stuffed a rag on a flexible rod down the head pipes and the left side pipe had a quite a bit of Mystery oil in it, while the right side pipe didn't have any. I sopped up as much of the oil as I could, put the mufflers back on and started it again. The left side joint spit out a little more oil, not bad, but the greyish exhaust smoke seemed to be heavier from the left side than the right.
Now my question. I'm itching to take the bike for a ride but don't want to do any damage. Any ideas why there would be Mystery oil in the left side exhuast pipe but not the right side? Do I have a piston ring problem? I am the original owner, and the engine has never been opened up since new. There is probably something like 40K miles on the bike, maybe more (speedo was smashed by a vandal), and it might be time to do so. Thoughts?