Sprockets,Nuts and Broken Washers - Is yours ok?


Ollie from Thiel-Motorsport in Germany has made improved secure plates for the front sprocket.
thicker and harder material.

In my bike the nut was also loosely and the rear wheel has blocked when I shift into first gear.
It was a dangerous situation.

Hello Panetone , Why doesn't Ollie list all of the good Norton parts he makes on the website ?
Hello Panetone , Why doesn't Ollie list all of the good Norton parts he makes on the website ?

Because then he‘d sell them all, and run out. And then he‘d have to order some more, and pay for them, and the whole tedious cycle would keep repeating...

Ollie from Thiel-Motorsport in Germany has made improved secure plates for the front sprocket.
thicker and harder material.

In my bike the nut was also loosely and the rear wheel has blocked when I shift into first gear.
It was a dangerous situation.

Thank you - yes without the nut the shaft can go into the gearbox and hits the next gear.

So after speaking to Norton they say they have not seen any problems with the lock washers and they have not seen any problems with clutches.

Maybe someone at TVS might take notice of the feedback from their product testers (that's us) and use the information to improve the product like wot every other manufacturer does.
So after speaking to Norton they say they have not seen any problems with the lock washers and they have not seen any problems with clutches.

Maybe someone at TVS might take notice of the feedback from their product testers (that's us) and use the information to improve the product like wot every other manufacturer does.

I‘m now wondering exactly what problems Norton DID admit to knowing about?!
Hello Clive , How much for the complete gearset ? It comes complete with trap door ?

I didn't ask the cost of a gearbox after being quoted £830+vat for the clutch and I really didn't want to have to sell one of my yachts to pay for it. Especially as they quoted me around £1000 +vat for a day's labour on top of any parts to do it.

And why can't women understand that the £1000+ I saved by doing the work myself mean that it makes a new Lewis Leathers jacket absolutely free? No grasp of economics at all...
You’re on shakey ground there Clive. You mentioned spare money and leather in the same sentance! You’re thinking new jacket, she’s thinking new shoes and matching handbag! You have to think like the enemy mate. Tell her you’re gonna save it for your next romantic getaway together and then just turn up wearing the new jacket! .......What! This old thing! You can tell I’ve had it since the 70’s!

I seem to remember a forum thread started to chart spares that fitted the 961 from other bikes/manufacturers, when Norton went under. Might be worth resurrecting and including the gearbox etc, given the prices/approach of Norton (TVS). I’m sure one of you ‘super sleuths‘ can establish whether it is the same as the HD unit mentioned. The HD gearbox is from an 2001 bike so likely cheaper? Second hand?
Hello Panetone , Why doesn't Ollie list all of the good Norton parts he makes on the website ?

Hello I asked Ollie and he told me that he had a lot of problems with S.Skinner about his parts. He is thinking about a new label and company for special bike compounts called
"Red Rocket Motorcycle parts"
in the moment he is bussy with checking the legal framework to avoid some problems.
If you need parts send a mail to info@thiel-motorsport.de

The is an EU directive allowing automotive parts to be copied, the I factory I worked for made parts for Ford and their spares outlets. We also had our own spares outlet AE Autoparts. To pass the Ford audit to show we were not just copying off their drawings (which we drew for them ;) ) we bought our own part from a Ford garage, measured the part and made a new drawing and this was filed away with the part and the garage receipt. This allowed us to then make and sell the Fords parts to AE Autoparts and Ford could not object. Its the Trademark and any markings that cannot be copied.
EU directive is not much use if someone threatens you with a court case, just getting a solicitor to look at it will cost you a few £100. To defend is going to cost even more and you only get your money back if you win and are also awarded costs.
S.Skinner had prompted that Ollie must remove his external Oilfilter kit from the website. ( A thiel Motorsport development)
Every part from Ollie for the 961 is redisigned and improved and at least tested.
Rocker bushings, rocker shafts, pistons, swing arms, mappings, gaskets , valve guards and so on. No copies, improved parts.
He had also a lot of trouble when he was offering his exhaustsystems.
S.Skinner was always complaining that Ollie interferes his (Skinners) system.
it is just strange that engines which have been overhauled at thiel Motorsport run very well.

Ollie is only smiling for this behavior.

Mine appears good - as new after 9k (km). No sign of damage to the drive sprocket lock washer. Couple of observations.

1. The chain although correctly adjusted is wearing ridges in the Sprocket Cover. No damage to the chain obviously. I’m 90 Kg and have not touched the suspension from new. Anybody experienced this. Note: the cover spacers are in place.

2. The steel shaft retaining plate, centre popped for retention, is corroding. No idea what this item is. I’ve Lightly greased it and will keep an eye on it. Any ideas?

Sprockets,Nuts and Broken Washers - Is yours ok?
Sprockets,Nuts and Broken Washers - Is yours ok?
Sprockets,Nuts and Broken Washers - Is yours ok?
I’d just trim a bit of material off of that cover to give more clearance and call it good.

Thats not a blanking plate me thinks... it’s the back side of a roller bearing. Grease isn’t gonna hurt it. You could even paint it if it bothered you. A bit of surface rust ain’t gonna cause any functional issue though.
The chain wear marks seem to be a design feature. I tidied that area up with a file the last time things were apart, not sure that i wont be having another go next time.
S.Skinner was always complaining that Ollie interferes his (Skinners) system.


The 961 has this reputation as a stunning looking bike that rides like nothing else but you must expect to have to put up with faults ranging from minor electrical to major mechanical. Some of my biker friends think I'm a total idiot for spending so much on a bike with so many faults. That someone is putting effort in to improve the flaws/ build issues can only improve the reputation of the bike and if Norton had any sense they would be paying very close attention to the work being done by people like Ollie who, at the end of the day, is a fan of the 961 and just wants to turn it into how it should have been when it left the factory.

Many manufacturers have worked out that owners want to customise their bikes and actively encourage it rather than engaging in legal copyright disputes. To us a customised 961 is one that doesn't break down every few months, idles and doesn't spew oil.
I’d just trim a bit of material off of that cover to give more clearance and call it good.

Thats not a blanking plate me thinks... it’s the back side of a roller bearing. Grease isn’t gonna hurt it. You could even paint it if it bothered you. A bit of surface rust ain’t gonna cause any functional issue though.

Yup - on the other side is a roller bearing supporting a gearbox shaft. KOYO bearings. Give it a some wet weather chain wax.