smoke on one side

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The seal had indeed once again popped off the valve guide...and it wasn't the type with the little spring on it, it was the old fashioned type seal. After looking at all parts...the only POSSIBLE reason for the problem of the hopping seal, that I found, was that the manufacurer of the valve had been so kind as to stamp not only the part number, but a nice "Made in England, on the part of the valve stem that passes through the seal. The stamping had burrs on it, felt rough to the fingers and caught a bit in the valve guide and surely, the valve seal too. The seal was still in good shape, only in for an hour or so, only a couple scores on the rubbing surface, so I carefully removed the burrs on the valve stem and reinserted the whole shebang back in the head.

Bummer of a job, removing the spring collet, rocker arm and shaft, washers and such just because of a valve seal. The resistance is much less now, between the valve stem and the seal....maybe I will get some use out of the bike this year, just have to cure the leak in the tank that plagues me......till later!
Gene, its copied from the coventry spares catalogue

Coventry Spares Ltd.
John Healey
Coventry Spares Ltd
15 Abbey Lane
Middleboro, MA
(updated 12/9/03)
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