Bike is becoming a project rather then a pleasure!!

I like my 850 Commando engine much more than any Triumph engine I have ever owned, and I have had many. I just live with the wet-sumping bullshit because I cannot think of a way to fit a plunger pump. To race my bike, I need to fill a new battery with acid and fit it. Reconnect the oil line. And remember to tighten the clip on the fuel line, which is right up under the tank and needs a long screwdriver. With methanol in the tank, it can usually be started. However, if I tolerate it's bullshit, it does it's job very well. An old motorcycle is NOT a car - you don't just jump in and turn a key.
I deeply regret that the last time I raced, I forgot to tighten the clip on the fuel line under the tank. I had them absolutely cold. I was in front with all the tight bits of Winton Raceway in front of me when it came off.. There was no other way they could ever have caught me. I will probably never get back there to have another go at them. Considering what they ride, it was extremely funny. Their bikes are real rockets down the straights.
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If you own a motorcycle which is as nice as an old Commando, you should be happy to live with it. All I have ever wanted out of life is to have interesting experiences. I have never chased the dollar. When you do what genuinely interests you, you will usually become expert at doing it - and get paid well anyway.
I suggest the mistake many people make, is they get educated to 'become' something - instead of pursuing their interests. Most of my schoolmates became doctors or dentists - none of them had motorcycles.
Bike is back in good graces :) Fired up on second kick yesterday but still needs a bit more carb tuning. Not sure why the wet sumping problems seems to have fixed itself but I will be keeping a CLOSE eye on things. Next month is a snow month but I should have a few more weeks of riding.........