Wlll Animal carbs are character building, kind of like a Norotn Commando.
Rushed out and got new carb bodies, and after much frustration found the little plug over the pilot mixing chamber was leaking. Only detected this after taking the carbs on and off umpteen dozen times. But after sealing with devcon and fitting chromed brass slides the twin 32mm carbs are very nice. And it is very satisfying to set up and get them synchronised nicely. If you wanted the bike to operate as a city courier bike or some such, maybe the single carb set up would be a better choice.
Saw a Vincent on a BC ferry this summer that was being toured upon. Owner had fitted twin Mikunis. Original carbs were probably the remote float bowl pre-Monoblocs in that case though.
I have also 850,MK3 witone 36mm Mikuni,i have tried same jets and needle but after 4500 rpm engine lost power.
I have PW3 camsaft and cylinder head is portedafter that gas flow increase 37% bigger than,maybe i will need douple carburettors...
I have also 850,MK3 witone 36mm Mikuni,i have tried same jets and needle but after 4500 rpm engine lost power.
I have PW3 camsaft and cylinder head is portedafter that gas flow increase 37% bigger than,maybe i will need douple carburettors...
I have also 850,MK3 witone 36mm Mikuni,i have tried same jets and needle but after 4500 rpm engine lost power.
I have PW3 camsaft and cylinder head is portedafter that gas flow increase 37% bigger than,maybe i will need douple carburettors...
Mr.Norton, be advised that the 159 needle jet stated is the type. I use a 159 type "Q2" is the size. But I have heard people use anywhere between Q2 to P4 (159 type).
Hi all. Some people were telling me to switch to Mikuni Carb on my 73 850 . They say it will run better. My question s will iT?? but will it take away from the Oringality of the bike??
Some of the finest street machines in the world are using a 36mm Vm as in Kenny Cumming's NYC MK2a. I feel if he's allowed, then you sure shouldn't lose any sleep over it.
To anwer the question - yes it does lose originality.
The owners of the "finest street machines" can do whatever the hell they want. I like the earlier comment about using them for around town messenger service...
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