Should I close the pub?

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For me, we just need to learn (or have it policed) to know when to stop, agree to disagree, and move on.

Personally, I genuinely believe it’s healthy and good to have a forum to express different ideas and points of view. The fact that some points of view differ is good, it’s healthy, it’s actually the whole point as it stops us all from living inside our own little ‘echo chambers’.

BUT… we gotta learn to accept that the purpose of such discussion is to air and listen… it is NOT to correct everyone who has a different view. Or to beat them into submission with words.

As I’ve argued many times… I doubt there is a person on Earth who, after an internet argument, concluded “yes you’re right, I agree, I’ve now changed my lifelong held political / religious views”.

Jus’ ain‘t gonna happen !

Jerry, I’d urge you to create a code of conduct for the pub. I’ll offer a couple to start the list (dunno how difficult this would be, but) maybe folk should have to ‘accept’ these terms before entering ?

1. Welcome to the pub. The pub is for grown up adults to have grown up conversations. Feel free to air your respectfully worded opinions, but, NO FIGHTING is allowed.

2. You WILL be faced with a different points of view from time to time, you will not change these, when you have you have both stated your different cases, agree to disagree and MOVE ON.

3. No personal attacks or bad name calling. Do not write anything that you would not say face to face.

4. Try to write clearly and respectfully, shit stirring, name calling and bullying will get you barred.

4. (however long this list is, perhaps the last one should be): Remember, we are all Norton enthusiasts brought here by our shared love of these classic bikes. Let’s remember and respect this.
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Fast Eddie is entirely correct, but that's an awful lot of words and complication for people who have failed to see, read, understand
or who just object to the two words "No Politics" written after Access Norton Pub 😳
Fast Eddie is entirely correct, but that's an awful lot of words and complication for people who have failed to see, read, understand
or who just object to the two words "No Politics" written after Access Norton Pub 😳
Yeah. Fair point. Well put.
Staytite said:
Fast Eddie is entirely correct, but that's an awful lot of words and complication for people who have failed to see, read, understand
or who just object to the two words "No Politics" written after Access Norton Pub 😳
Yeah. Fair point. Well put.

With all due respect, that ship sailed a loooong time ago.
In todays world, so many are just waiting to be "triggered!", and every topic, every word, every action, hell even the CAR YOU DRIVE is viewed/interpreted/spun as being political.

For instance, if I created a thread about teaching my Grandson to shoot the .22 rifle at paper targets (a rural right of passage), no doubt there would be people absolutely GOING OFF about it.

It never was that way.
With all due respect, that ship sailed a loooong time ago.
In todays world, so many are just waiting to be "triggered!", and every topic, every word, every action, hell even the CAR YOU DRIVE is viewed/interpreted/spun as being political.

For instance, if I created a thread about teaching my Grandson to shoot the .22 rifle at paper targets (a rural right of passage), no doubt there would be people absolutely GOING OFF about it.

It never was that way.
'Paper' targets!!! Haven't those trees suffered enough already?
Keep it open please.

I have been branded with a political rant chastising poor Miss Swedish activist Greta T. (bless her Indoctrinated heart) Who crossed the Atlantic in a plastic boat and plastic sails with Kevlar and petroleum all over it and her, and then crying to the North American continent.... How dare you! How dare you!

She never considered going to Mainland China once…. where the real pollution is. (The establishment movement was using her as a political pawn all along) against the West.

Jordan Peterson shows the economics of how she was dead wrong. I can go back to that thread if need be.

Economics it is, and NOT POLITICS. Get people out of poverty not in it.

Oh and by the way…. on her return trip back to the EU from North America for the optics, she chose to fly a skipper from Europe to bring her back by boat. Not mentioned by the MSM.

Now who would have thought to just have her go just by a single person flight back??? No, Not her… the optics is important right?

Opinions and dialogue help to finding the truth.

The pub kind of brings that out some how. No matter how hard it is to swallow and it will burn some tail feathers. But that’s the Pub.

Either that or we stick our head in the sand and…. pretend we are an Ostrich.
Keep it open please.

I have been branded with a political rant chastising poor Miss Swedish activist Greta T. (bless her Indoctrinated heart) Who crossed the Atlantic in a plastic boat and plastic sails with Kevlar and petroleum all over it and her, and then crying to the North American continent.... How dare you! How dare you!

She never considered going to Mainland China once…. where the real pollution is. (The establishment movement was using her as a political pawn all along) against the West.

Jordan Peterson shows the economics of how she was dead wrong. I can go back to that thread if need be.

Economics it is, and NOT POLITICS. Get people out of poverty not in it.

Oh and by the way…. on her return trip back to the EU from North America for the optics, she chose to fly a skipper from Europe to bring her back by boat. Not mentioned by the MSM.

Now who would have thought to just have her go just by a single person flight back??? No, Not her… the optics is important right?

Opinions and dialogue help to finding the truth.

The pub kind of brings that out some how. No matter how hard it is to swallow and it will burn some tail feathers. But that’s the Pub.

Either that or we stick our head in the sand and…. pretend we are an Ostrich.
Spot on.
When Jerry first polled to see if there was a concensus to open a pub , i voted no, I knew that it would become what it is now. I knew politics would creep in and piss some people off, ending up in name calling, and illogical rants, turning our Norton brotherhood against each other.

Since then, I have become rather fond of the pub. I have been surprised to find many members are deep thinkers, well informed, and knowledgeable, not only in "Nortonology", but in current events, philosophical topics, and humanism. I don't think I would have come to that knowing without the Pub. For that reason it is worth keeping.

The Pub, for me, has turned some frequent posters from faceless sources of Norton knowledge to living, breathing, thinking, individuals, who I would value as my friends, and who I would very much like to meet.

Jerry, I do not envy your quandary.

This is to no one directly: and appreciate this discussion.

As we all know we have global supply chain issues since and during the flu from China...that has continued to effect our social economic recovery
So a couple members put up posts about trains and derailments...some causing toxic havoc to middle America
and its people ...what happens next is a natural humanitarian response to wonder why these events continually happen and feel for the suffering people and their children exposed to these toxins...let alone wildlife fish etc....I also have been contributing to these posts with news reporting and data i thought this was relitive information that some don't have "access" to ...then along comes some other members (no names) seem to think the poster and contributing members are angling it as some type of conspiracy theory.....NEK minute the post gets taken down because of complaints...
(I understand management can be a lonely place that one has to respect) ...BUT every post i saw or put up was current factual news reporting...(I've seen all the usual catch phrases used to belittle or cause discouragement) BUT we are people that care about our fellow brothers n sisters and the world we all coexist on.
There is one thing WE can all agree on ....this Marque
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When Jerry first polled to see if there was a concensus to open a pub , i voted no, I knew that it would become what it is now. I knew politics would creep in and piss some people off, ending up in name calling, and illogical rants, turning our Norton brotherhood against each other.

Since then, I have become rather fond of the pub. I have been surprised to find many members are deep thinkers, well informed, and knowledgeable, not only in "Nortonology", but in current events, philosophical topics, and humanism. I don't think I would have come to that knowing without the Pub. For that reason it is worth keeping.

The Pub, for me, has turned some frequent posters from faceless sources of Norton knowledge to living, breathing, thinking, individuals, who I would value as my friends, and who I would very much like to meet.

Jerry, I do not envy your quandary.

I've never been "name called", that I know of.

Upon further reflection, I don't remember anyone else being name called either.

Where? When? Who?
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This is to no one directly: and appreciate this discussion.

As we all know we have global supply chain issues since and during the flu from China...that has continued to effect our social economic recovery
So a couple members put up posts about trains and derailments...some causing toxic havoc to middle America
and its people ...what happens next is a natural humanitarian response to wonder why these events continually happen and feel for the suffering people and their children exposed to these toxins...let alone wildlife fish etc....I also have been contributing to these posts with news reporting and data i thought this was relitive information that some don't have "access" to ...then along comes some other members (no names) seem to think the poster and contributing members are angling it as some type of conspiracy theory.....NEK minute the post gets taken down because of complaints...
(I understand management can be a lonely place that one has to respect) ...BUT every post i saw or put up was current factual news reporting...(I've seen all the usual catch phrases used to belittle or cause discouragement) BUT we are people that care about our fellow brothers n sisters and the world we all coexist on.
There is one thing WE can all agree on ....this Marque
Out of respect for the threads title and it’s intent, I would say only that this is an ‘interesting’ characterisation!!:oops:

Maybe we can just read backwards through the last 10 or so closed threads - follow the little lock icons. I guess then we can work out why they were closed and if there are any common contributing factors/posters.
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Out of respect for the threads title and it’s intent, I would say only that this is an ‘interesting’ characterisation!!:oops:

Maybe we can just read backwards through the last 10 or so closed threads - follow the little lock icons. I guess then we can work out why they were closed and if there are any common factors/contributers.
I dont recall taking count of the threads, that recieved complaints that were consequently closed (i have only queried one)..maybe you could ask the members thoughts that started the original thread or their/your ..opps relationship/contrbution to them...but dont fear with over 80% in favor of the bar staying open there will be many more tales to be told i am sure.😁
In todays world, so many are just waiting to be "triggered!", and every topic, every word, every action, hell even the CAR YOU DRIVE is viewed/interpreted/spun as being political.

Amen to that observation.
One comes across it every day.

There are those, and that includes participants in The Pub, just waiting for the chance to be offended. Not to talk bikes or riding.
And sometimes non VIP.
It was suggested earlier restricting Pub participation to VIP only, not a bad idea.
You gotta' pay to play instead of freeloading on the support others.
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