Sad news about bigstu.

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Like to express my sorrow at our loss, and our thoughts go out to the loved ones.

Very sad to hear of a forum members death.
I will pray for peace w/in his family while they grieve over the loss of Stu.
I hope they can know that he enjoyed himself riding a Norton.
I read the article from England.
If there is anything we can do Rona, from the USA, please do not hesitate to ask.
The lord is w/ him
MarshalNorton :cry:
While we are on the subject of this sad news I thought I should mention something I recently heard on a local radio news cast here in B.C., Canada. 34 motorcyclists have been killed already this year on the roads in B.C. Over 1/2 of them were over 50 years of age. I wish I could remember more details of this broadcast but I'm over 50 myself. It did go on to talk about a high percentage of the baby boomers who have contributed to this statistic were new riders.

After reading the thread from several months back where we all confessed or ages, it is obvious most of us are in this high risk age group. Our bikes now run faster and better than ever but our reflexes, eye sight, sense of balance, hearing etc. probably isn't what it used to be.

If you haven't walked the track brothers and sisters, don't ride like you're on one! These stats are likely typical all over. Ride safe everyone. Live to Ride/Ride to Live!
Sorry to hear the sad news. Bigstu was one keen Norton man and a bloke I wished I'd met. Maybe one day. Condolences to the family and friends.

A sad note about the increase of over-50 rider fatalities in North America is two-fold:
Many over-50 riders are back on bikes after decades away, and are often on 800 lb cruisers, which can be a handful to maneuver in an emergency situation.
Many states in the US do not have helmet laws, and those that do, require only DOT-compliant lids, of which this is a common example:
Sad news about bigstu.
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