If you do replace them yourself then they should be fitted coldI need to replace the rocker oil feed lines. I want to buy just the lines as I have lots of the banjos. Who sells the bulk line material? Thanks.
Thank you for the advice as I would have probably used heat.If you do replace them yourself then they should be fitted cold
If you heat them them too fit they can come loose
A picture of "the other tool" would be helpful. I guess you are using AN3 braided lines.I made a special tool for the banjo and held the tubing in the vice. I have a small wood block drilled for the line diameter then cut in half with a band saw. it clamps the tubing very well. The other tool is for driving in the banjo without hammering on it directly which might distort the banjo.
A picture of "the other tool" would be helpful. I guess you are using AN3 braided lines.
- Knut
found answer:On the topic of rocker oil feed lines, does it matter if the oil feed line is connected to the left side of the head, compred to the tyypical right side feed connection? just wondered.