Rioting across the pond...

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Feb 26, 2017
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Could I ask some of my friends in England to offer some insight into the cause/problems/violence/rioting in GB. I am in the states but it is so difficult to attain accurate information without spin or partisanship or bias from any so-called "news" service so I thought it prudent to ask the residents in the middle of this conflict to share their view.
Thanks in advance
Areas of England have changed beyond recognition
You can't get a doctor or dentist appointment in some places
We've always had immigration to the UK and it's been on the whole very successful but in the last few years that has ramped up out of control and it shows
A lot of our hotels are full of young men that are seeking asylum, nobody knows their backgrounds or intent
All this whilst we are in a cost of living crisis with many living on the streets or struggling already
Social media doesn't help with various untrue stories winding people up
Anyone that complains is labelled far right
And it's just reached boiling point with people taking to the street to protest and amongst them are some that take it way too far
Could I ask some of my friends in England to offer some insight into the cause/problems/violence/rioting in GB. I am in the states but it is so difficult to attain accurate information without spin or partisanship or bias from any so-called "news" service so I thought it prudent to ask the residents in the middle of this conflict to share their view.
Thanks in advance
There is no reliable source of news these days unfortunately
Areas of England have changed beyond recognition
You can't get a doctor or dentist appointment in some places
We've always had immigration to the UK and it's been on the whole very successful but in the last few years that has ramped up out of control and it shows
A lot of our hotels are full of young men that are seeking asylum, nobody knows their backgrounds or intent
All this whilst we are in a cost of living crisis with many living on the streets or struggling already
Social media doesn't help with various untrue stories winding people up
Anyone that complains is labelled far right
And it's just reached boiling point with people taking to the street to protest and amongst them are some that take it way too far
Huh, sounds like the US on all levels. Thanks for the response.
Canada the same , family home next door now has 3 families living in it , Syria, India & Brazil , they all have work ….
If they are there legally, and if they respect and enjoy the host nations culture and society, and strive to assimilate, and to work, then I don’t think any half reasonable person has any issue.

As I said immigration into the UK has largely been a huge success
But we are only an island and we can not sustain the sheer amount of immigration legal or otherwise
We don't have the space or the infrastructure to sustain it
Our kids can't afford houses we can't get to see an NHS doctor
Hospitals can't cope with the amount of people
There's a massive house building programme but where are the extra hospitals and schools,resovoires etc etc to cope?
We now have people coming here that have no interest in our way of life and want to impose theirs
That's basically why people are on the streets protesting
We not quite an island but could be sooner than later … ( Land bridge of Chignecto shrinking with every ride ) all the above issues are happening here as well …. we are not a “have Province” , but one that is supported by Federal transfers ( Rules of Confederation) …
It's happening world wide, people leaving their own countries for a better life for their kids getting away from repressed lives/wars/dictatorships control, but most are illegals and only a few are doing the right thing going through the proper process, and when these migrants get here they bring their home problems with them, they still want to live the way they been brought up with and don't ever want to speak our language, they take on any jobs no matter how bad they get paid and of course you get employers who play on that.
People smuggling is a big business and we get our share here in Aus, not as bad as most countries and I can understand why normal people are taking to the streets, but rioting is not the way, but the powers to be are not listening, there is a crises with illegal migration world wide and no one is doing nothing about it, its a epidemic.

People are on the streets rioting, smashing up and burning other peoples property This is not protesting, its terrorism and should be dealt with accordingly
Yes the people that are smashing up and burning other people's property should be dealt with accordingly and are being dealt with
But unfortunately it's not just those being arrested hence in the downing street protest/riot for example there was 111 people arrested and 90 of those immediately de arrested
As I said immigration into the UK has largely been a huge success
But we are only an island and we can not sustain the sheer amount of immigration legal or otherwise
We don't have the space or the infrastructure to sustain it
Our kids can't afford houses we can't get to see an NHS doctor
Hospitals can't cope with the amount of people
There's a massive house building programme but where are the extra hospitals and schools,resovoires etc etc to cope?
We now have people coming here that have no interest in our way of life and want to impose theirs
That's basically why people are on the streets protesting
Multiply it by 10,000 and you will start to get the idea of what the situation is like just in TEXAS. Then add New Mexico, Arizona, California, Florida, and now most states bordering Canada with about the same numbers...

We are building massive, monumental schools to educate all these people and guess who pays the skyrocketing property taxes to PAY for them? For some reason, they NEVER seem to build conservative, basic schools; they are always 15' ceilings, marble features, 25' grandiose clerestory entrances, major-league level stadiums & gymnasiums, etc. Oh, yes, the basis of the construction is MASSIVELY over-built in order for them to survive a full school year before the little darlings tear them to shreds, then they spend more millions every summer refurbishing them back to "square 1", and usually adding a lot more new stuff purchased from the superintendent's sister-in-law's "woman owned" business.

People are on the streets rioting, smashing up and burning other peoples property This is not protesting, its terrorism and should be dealt with accordingly
Around here, they dare not upset the little darlings, or they'll lose their "D" votes!!!

Of course, all the "D" votes are handily paid for with free medical, free housing, free school, and now free college. (By "free" of course I mean to the "D" voters from out-of-town. WE (the working/producing class) PAY for it.

Sometimes it's best to ask people who have actual experience on the ground about these things.
There's an interesting website Quora, which is a forum for people to exchange their views on all sorts of things. A bit like UseNet in the old days, it does have a fair number of sensible people with good ideas who respond to various questions.
Here's a link to one of them, a man who has experience from the Army and Police:

Answer to What are the rest of you making of the unrest/riots in the UK? by David Rendahl
Multiply it by 10,000 and you will start to get the idea of what the situation is like just in TEXAS. Then add New Mexico, Arizona, California, Florida, and now most states bordering Canada with about the same numbers...

We are building massive, monumental schools to educate all these people and guess who pays the skyrocketing property taxes to PAY for them? For some reason, they NEVER seem to build conservative, basic schools; they are always 15' ceilings, marble features, 25' grandiose clerestory entrances, major-league level stadiums & gymnasiums, etc. Oh, yes, the basis of the construction is MASSIVELY over-built in order for them to survive a full school year before the little darlings tear them to shreds, then they spend more millions every summer refurbishing them back to "square 1", and usually adding a lot more new stuff purchased from the superintendent's sister-in-law's "woman owned" business.

Spot on.

And it's not just border states.
With the protesters over in the UK not all are rioting, it only takes a few thugs too cause trouble and start destroying things, remember the football thugs of old doing the same thing, people are angry but there seems to be that element that infiltrates the crowds too stir up trouble and run a muck, they get off with thuggery, destroying property and beating up the police and the only answer is to jail the trouble makers for a long time, there are still peaceful protesters who aren't throwing stones/bricks/or anything else they get their hands on and how many peaceful protesters carry monotal cocktails to a protest rally, more needs to be done about these people smugglers as well who are making big money on peoples lives.

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It was kinda funny yesterday the rumour mill was in full swing in the morning saying there were 39 riots planned across the UK for the evening
By the afternoon it was said to be more like a 100 riots planned
Doctors and hospital appointments cancelled etc,shops boarded up
In the end all there was were people turning out in their thousands to stop the "far right thugs"
It was remarkable that the people turned out carrying identical placards with "refugees welcome" no matter what part of the country they were in🤔
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