repo speedo/tach

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Oct 10, 2017
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i am at the point of looking at speedo/tach for my 72 commando project...ones i see with green ball on face are $500-600 a pair price to rebuild old ones around $250 each...hmmmmmm. so..i have been using repos (you know by who..the Big "E") on my bsa and triumph for several thousand miles trouble free and not use same brand on project?...I see Big E makes speedo drive and speedo in 1.25/1 and tach in 4:1 ratios same as Smiths green ball originals...I would not be able to use odo reset knob on repo speedo but dremel will shave that off......what say ye? purists roll eyes if'n you want to but send $ to pay for $600 if you care to...oh I dig commando has 19" rear wheel but it is my understanding overall diameter of 100/90x19 avon roadrider is same as 4.00x18 k70-ish rear on bsa /t120 so wont affect speedo readout thanks for remarks
Do what ever suite you, who cares what others think its your project not theirs, if you got to build on a budget and go which everway that saves you money, when I convered my 850 to the Featherbed back in 1980 I copped a lot of shit from friends, but it didn't worry me what others through, its was my project not theirs and I did it the cheapest way I could at the time, but it turned out great and over the last 37 years have spent the money to make more improvements to it, there are still a lot of Commando things still being used on the Featherbed but there are also a lot of after market things on it but all up its a great handling bike with lots of get up and go and the best thing is its different to other bikes and I built it my way.

Hello Alan to avoid shaving the trip knob off use the repro speedo with the trip located in the rear as fitted to Late T140 etc ( veglia type )
the cost is the same as the side trip models
Unless you're doing a correct restoration, nothing wrong with repop parts. That being said, I think you could get a pair of serviceable Smiths clocks for a lot less than $600.
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