Red Warning Light (2019)

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OK, checked the voltage at the lamp connections, no problem, same voltage as the battery. Stupid question, how do they come out? Yea, I know this sounds really dumb, but..... consider the source. FYI, from what I can see they are the original units. Where can I get replacements?
I get the 'how do they come out' question. The warning lamps are in two parts, the colored jewel and black plastic housing are one part, and the lamp socket is separate. These get stuck together over time. Push the lamp out of the headlight bucket, hold the black plastic in the middle or toward the jewel, firmly grip and pull, twist, etc the exposed portion of the lamp socket. Don't pull on the jewel. Once you have it apart, clean the inner surface of the black plastic with a Q-Tip and some WD40, you can use some electrical cleaner on the lamp socket. I use a continuity test light to check the bulbs. The filament can look okay, but still not deliver continuity.
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