Fortunately, I have been spared that nightmare with the California DMV. However, about five years ago, my 82 Bonneville registration was delinquent, so I went into the DMV office and paid everything current including penalties. The check cleared, but about four days later, my checking account showed a difference of about 200 dollars between the actual balance and the available balance. It was the DMV--they had gone into my account without authorization and taken the fees again plus more penalties!! I called them and asked them to look at the account so they could see the mistake that was made. Nothing doing; I had to fill out forms, send them in and wait. I did and waited...... and waited. A few months later, I called again and had to jump through some other hoop but have since forgotten what it was.
After nine months, I called back and got more run around, so I demanded to speak to a manager. They put me through to a woman who seemed genuinely concerned, so she looked up the timeline of the events. No forms, no attitude, no run around. She saw the error and processed the transfer back to my account then and there. I was shocked but pleased with the outcome.