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JimC said:
Even a single person's actions can create a negative opinion, shared by many. I think we see that happening right here.

Your not refering to Rohan, I take it. Negative? No, I'm not being negative, I'm making a positive stand against bullshit. Definition of racism; the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own.

If I've upset a few narrow minded people - I suggest you get out more often. Try travelling, on your bike, it broadens the mind.
Al-otment said:
JimC said:
Even a single person's actions can create a negative opinion, shared by many. I think we see that happening right here.

Your not refering to Rohan, I take it. Negative? No, I'm not being negative, I'm making a positive stand against bullshit. Definition of racism; the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own.

If I've upset a few narrow minded people - I suggest you get out more often. Try travelling, on your bike, it broadens the mind.

Over at they have a forum called "Jo momma" and also "Church, State & Money" where much of this type of thing gets hammered out. I'm just sayin. :mrgreen:
concours said:
Al-otment said:
JimC said:
Even a single person's actions can create a negative opinion, shared by many. I think we see that happening right here.

Your not refering to Rohan, I take it. Negative? No, I'm not being negative, I'm making a positive stand against bullshit. Definition of racism; the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own.

If I've upset a few narrow minded people - I suggest you get out more often. Try travelling, on your bike, it broadens the mind.

Over at they have a forum called "Jo momma" and also "Church, State & Money" where much of this type of thing gets hammered out. I'm just sayin. :mrgreen:


I've just registered, thanks for the link. :D
kommando said:
The world is full of scammers and they are more prevalent in some countries than others, Nigeria being a case in point. To state the obvious is not racist, even the wonderfully PC BBC refer to Nigeria being a problem for being a scam prone country. ... cams.shtml

Are you saying the BBC are racist ?

No, I'm saying it's racist to blame an alleged scam on the population of a country just because individuals in that country have perpetrated scams before. Because scams are more prevalent in some countries dose not mean all scams originate from those countries. It's not even obvious that it is a scam, just one person jumping to a conclusion - followed by another person, and another. Stick to the relevant facts pertaining to the individual case. I wouldn't like to be in court with you on the jury.
ludwig said:
Al-otment said:
..You're a dick head if you randomly hand out your bank or credit card details. .
True , but it is equally stupid to deny the light of the sun , out of ' political correctness ' .
If 90 % of all arrested pick pockets in Brussels are Roma (gipsys) , who are less than 0.5 % of the population , are we not allowed to draw some conclusions ?
And if you believe that Nigerian scammers are too stupid to realise that they can be more 'successfull ' by operating their scams out of the UK , the Netherlands or the US , then maybe YOU are the racist ?..

Yeah, that's perfectly logical Ludwig. So the fact that there's a high incidence of the 419 scam from the U.K, Netherlands or the U.S.A for example, has nothing whatsoever to do with the indigenous population - it's all the Nigerians within that country. Brilliant. It's the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings this year. The Nazi's came out with similar propaganda crap about the Jews. Note I say the Nazi's - I do not blame the entire German population for the actions of some insane politicians and gullible idiots.
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