Power Arc Ignition firmware update

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Sep 27, 2009
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I spoke with Fred from Old Britts yesterday:

PowerArc has made a modification to their software that now provides anti-kickback protection. It is more than just a retard in the curve at low rpm, but actually configured to calculate full rotation of the rotor plate and fire only after full calculation.

Fred said he will take any older unit that doesn't have this feature and install the update. I have a few of my customers who will be doing this in the off season, so thought I'd pass the info along.
ooohh I am going for that too!

Any word on the other selectable map if that is changed? I was reading earlier from the group that poeple aren't too hot on the alternate map you can switch to as well...
Hi, is it possible to get the advance curve of that ignition, to compare with the other on the market ? I will need sooner one ignition for my road:track Seeley, and I am wondering which one will fit the best my bike .............!
marinatlas said:
Hi, is it possible to get the advance curve of that ignition, to compare with the other on the market ? I will need sooner one ignition for my road:track Seeley, and I am wondering which one will fit the best my bike .............!

that would be cool to see on paper...
Good to know, I'll keep it in mind. I was quite pleased with my power arc as it made it much easier to get my bike running after it had been sitting for 20 odd years. Cj
Duh Dudes PowerArc does not have any ignition curve at all except what Old Brits decides to put in as universal no brainer curve or any curve you care to have programed by Fred or spend a bit more and program a new curve from start to finish many times a day till happy as can be. Spend a bit more like me and can have 4 curves on tap for climbing leafy or pebble slopes to holding front level off the ground for most a 1/4 mile sprint on 87 octane gas plus creek water. I asked Fred about the idle stabilization initial curve and he just said no need of it on Powerarc as the 3 sparks per combustion lit the low speed fuel mix each every time and has a kick start no back fire feature available for years than only just recently has any old fart kickers have asked to be activated in off the shelf variety of Powerarc units. Please get back to us on other sparklers that you can have a custom curve ordered as many times as you want.
hobot said:
Duh Dudes PowerArc does not have any ignition curve at all except what Old Brits decides to put in as universal no brainer curve or any curve you care to have programed by Fred or spend a bit more and program a new curve from start to finish many times a day till happy as can be. Spend a bit more like me and can have 4 curves on tap for climbing leafy or pebble slopes to holding front level off the ground for most a 1/4 mile sprint on 87 octane gas plus creek water. I asked Fred about the idle stabilization initial curve and he just said no need of it on Powerarc as the 3 sparks per combustion lit the low speed fuel mix each every time and has a kick start no back fire feature available for years than only just recently has any old fart kickers have asked to be activated in off the shelf variety of Powerarc units. Please get back to us on other sparklers that you can have a custom curve ordered as many times as you want.

hahha tell me how you REALLY feel!!!

I will say I was able to buy the power arc and get it on my mailbox in three days. and it works. I would like to have usable alternate maps though!
I"m still holding breath on PowerArc as read some issues from Geof Collins of OffSet Cranks trying to get them to work on offset firing orders so stopped trying to use them, ugh. If made by man or Gods, we can expect something to go wrong.
Fred has all the various curves and tricks on hand to put in plus any new ones developed. Could be fined tuned per current octane of gas in tank and humidity and elevation for an event like say Pikes Peak.
hobot said:
I"m still holding breath on PowerArc as read some issues from Geof Collins of OffSet Cranks trying to get them to work on offset firing orders so stopped trying to use them, ugh. If made by man or Gods, we can expect something to go wrong.
Fred has all the various curves and tricks on hand to put in plus any new ones developed. Could be fined tuned per current octane of gas in tank and humidity and elevation for an event like say Pikes Peak.

That gives me a thought. Maybe I should ask if he has a curve that helps me with a ride through high elevations but with my stock commando. I dont know much about ignition curves and fine tuning. I know enough to purchase something and match it with my pipes... thats nil i guess. I would like the same tailoring I get with my power commander3... That thing lets me download the maps for pipes and conditions and load at will via console cable.
At hi altitude the engine should receive less air/fuel density and so will tend to like more advance than a sea level engine is best clue I can offer to experiment on your own and ask for a series of reprograms till happy-est then share with the world.
i don't know what issues geoff collins is having with the power-arc with his offset cranks, i have one of his 270 offsets in my commando, and i have been using the programable power-arc ignition on mine for two years... no problems... none... and i can put whatever curve i want into it any time i want... it is just a really great product
Then that is great news as I'd mentioned these to Ed who said he couldn't get em to work out. That may of been before your time but still good news I picked a good one. So hows the off set crank working out and what's it installed in?
hey hobot... its been a long time :D

the power-arc is still in the yellow commando you saw at the empire rally ... it is working great... it has been in for two or two and a half years now and never missed a beat.... as for using it with 270s, i haven't seen any unit that could be a simpler install... and with so many options.... multiple spark capability... multiple curve selection on the fly (if you want it) and single fire spark.... what more could you ask for if you have an offset crank....... and the really neat thing is, that, because it is the programable unit , i can pull it out of my norton and stick it in a stock triumph, bsa, norton or whatever... try doing that with any other system.... i love it :D
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