Power Arc ignition

Power Arcs work well if there is a starter motor. If it's kick start it's a real bear.
Mine works well with the starter so I don’t really kick it much. Took me three kicks to start it warm. If my technique was better I probably could have done it in one. I wanted to do it just to see if I could. Mission accomplished. Now back to the little green button.
I've had no issues with mine in 10 years of usage. No electric start and it will only kick back if you do it wrong.
cold start: turn key on and slowly kick thru TDC twice THEN prime and choke as needed and give a forceful kick
hot start: open throttle 1/4 turn and kick briskly-very rare I get a kickback

How many of you have power going to the white wire? Don't know if it matters on starting but it does change the advance curve if it doesn't have 12 volts going to it.
MikeG hit it on the head. The P/A is an optical counter so the cam disk needs to revolve one full rev to find its tdc. That means the crank has to revolve twice.
I just installed a Tri spark. I corresponded with Stephen there and asked for the advance curve.
At less than 500 rpm, it sparks after top dead centre.
I like that.
OK. I just put a Tri Spark in the Atlas and wondered why it gives a cough sometimes when I'm starting it.
Something unexpected is that it changed the exhaust note and for the better.