Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

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Aug 19, 2010
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Some pics from Sunday November 11 -

Sweet old school -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

I was lucky enough to ride one of these (a friend's) when I was in high school -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

These two were riding together - really cool -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

Nice 4 pot -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

I always thought automatic neutral finders were bitchin -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

Bitchin Norvil Brake, boy did I want one of those back in the day -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

Somebody was lookin at this and they said "Matchless made twins?"

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

BSAs always had nice tanks - Thunderbolt -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

Always liked those Triumph scrambler headpipes

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

V7 Sport's came with nice brakes -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride
There were Commandos aplenty -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

I ALWAYS wanted a NorVin, still do; thats a GB500 front end, rear wheel too? -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

In the 70s & 80s, I put a lot of miles on one of these -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride

That decal looks good on this round case bevel GT750 but, as I recall, it derives from a 60's 175cc Ducati

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride
xbacksideslider said:
I ALWAYS wanted a NorVin, still do; thats a GB500 front end, rear wheel too? -

Pics - SoCalNorton OC Hansen Dam Ride
Probably an optical illusion but that front end looks bent to me.

I want to thank you for posting the photos, that show/ride is only about a 30 min ride from my house & I planned to go but work snagged me. It was painful being so close but not being able to go. Please post more pictures anyone if you can. Glenn.
Gorgeous bikes/photos! Thanks for posting them - Love that Ariel Square 4!!!! But I don't see any oil drips below the bikes. I'm concerned that they may not have any oil in them; better call those guys and have 'em check their oil... :)
xbacksideslider said:
Some pics from Sunday November 11 -
Don't want to detract from your excellent post and photos but what time zone are you in?
Boy, I musta slept in again !?!?!?
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