No doubt, but then I get 1-5 calls a day for help and 0-2 orders per week and I charge less than everyone else as you well know. I am trying to help the community while getting my parts for less, not make a living. I certainly do not begrudge those who make a living at it. I buy from others as well. Placed three orders today from US dealers (Triumph stuff).
You've mentioned repeatedly how great their site was and you've told me how bad mine is. I could find nothing on their site and certainly could not request a quote or place an order. You had to call them just as you have to call or write me. On my site you can add to cart and then get a detailed quote. and I'm open 7 days a week from 8am Eastern until midnight.
I guess I'm the one that's wrong. I should be charging at least a 100% markup since people think that is a "small additional cost".