Obsession has its own price


Feb 26, 2017
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This guy, at 70 years old, still chasing that demon of speed. See you on the other side Ralph.

Some men worry about what their wives think about their obssession with motorcycles. When I was young, I knew a woman who really know how to turn me on. That is a much worse obsession than any motorcycle. Once you have had somebody like that in your life, you tend to lead a much more peaceful existence. While I have my motorcycle, my wife knows where I am. I am 79, and there is still a lady who likes to talk to me. I talk to her, but the association goes nowhere. Another notch on my gun means nothing to me. But with motorcycles, I tend to plan a long way ahead.
Sex is good, but motorcycle road racing is much better. Once I have had sex, I cannot remember it. When I think about the last time I raced, I feel really good.
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We are all going to die sooner or later. I am always sorry to see a good guy go, but I don't fret unless it is somebody very close to me. I always try to think about the good things they have dome. The real tragedy is if you die having achieved nothing. My hope is to leave this world a better place for me having lived in it. One of my sons is an achiever, but he does not realise that his function is only that of a cog in a machine. He does little that is cutting edge. I am lucky, I have had more opportunity than many people, to do stuff which is really interesting. However I never really ever made a big dollar doing it. But that is not the point of the exercise.