norvil electric start

This E Start looks like it might fit a Featherbed and still allow the magneto to remain. Of course it will be a one off machining nightmare even IF it can be wedged under the battery box and oil tank.


It probably can be fitted to a featherbed. It looks pretty much the same design as the Bob Oswald/Kenny Dreer/Old Brits/CCC kits, and Old Brits adapted theirs to a featherbed with Commando engine.

norvil electric start

norvil electric start

norvil electric start

norvil electric start

This was an bike we at NYC Norton built several years ago.

We worked closely with Fred from Old Britts on this primary. Fred used a set of Featherbed/Commando plates we had as a template and adapted them to fit the starter motor. It went in perfectly and was a great setup. The Bendix setup worked without a hitch.
The outer primary was done by a brilliant fabricator as a one-off. Beautiful stuff.

This was an bike we at NYC Norton built several years ago.

We worked closely with Fred from Old Britts on this primary. Fred used a set of Featherbed/Commando plates we had as a template and adapted them to fit the starter motor. It went in perfectly and was a great setup. The Bendix setup worked without a hitch.
The outer primary was done by a brilliant fabricator as a one-off. Beautiful stuff.

Doesn't surprise me one bit Kenny, you were the builder.
Been following you for years. Nicely done...👌
This was an bike we at NYC Norton built several years ago.

We worked closely with Fred from Old Britts on this primary. Fred used a set of Featherbed/Commando plates we had as a template and adapted them to fit the starter motor. It went in perfectly and was a great setup. The Bendix setup worked without a hitch.
The outer primary was done by a brilliant fabricator as a one-off. Beautiful stuff.


Hi Kenny,

sorry for the omission. When Fred sent me the pictures, I think he told me you were the ones doing the bike, but my memory isn't what it used to be. Was it one of the bikes you did for Billy Joel?

There's a few pages in the recent edition of the NOC Roadholder mag regarding the fitting of the Norvil ES.

(Apologies for the glare)...

norvil electric start

norvil electric start

norvil electric start
I had thought the qpd was the one oldbritts sold?
Harley starter with a ring gear on the clutch?
A mate of mine had one on a t140 many years ago
Nothing but trouble
Same as the T160...component design / set up so poor as to barely have enough power to spin the engine over
Is there any feedback from folks who are using this Norvil kit?
Get in touch with Cristopher West at FairSparesNewEngland.He is a distributor for these units and I think he has installed one.
The kit comes with a outrigger bearing for the gearbox mainshaft, which is a good thing i.m.o.
Apart from that, fitting seems a very involved job (to put it mildly) .
Personally I am happy with my Alton.
Is there any feedback from folks who are using this Norvil kit?
No personal experience. It’s without doubt the most involved to fit, but is the simplest. No sprag, and uses a Harley type starter like the 961. Pricy though, as from Fairspares in the in the U.S. it’s around $650 more than the Alton.
In my case, the bike is currently totally disassembled and some of the components that are supplied with this kit I need to replace anyway, such as cradle, inner primary case, chain and sprockets. I'm thinking those facts mitigate some of the negatives mentioned above.
Is there any feedback from folks who are using this Norvil kit?
I have had one fitted for 2 months now. I would suggest you look at other kits than this unless you are very capable. I had a lot of fiddling to make it fit and was never happy with the engine pulley and belt supplied. I ended up making a new 1 tooth bigger pulley for the front using an off the shelf HTD pulley and an Atlas sprocket for the taper. This gave a much better pulley wrap and belt tension, 1/2" up and down 45deg twist. The supplied pulley gave over an inch up and down and over 90 deg twist way too slack. It cost me $6500 AU at the door. It was not a quick bolt in, beside changing the cradle there was weld around the starter boltup and top isolastic that had to be removed to stop the outrigger plate twisting and jamming the gearbox. Material around where the starter gear rotated in the supplied inner primary needed removing and the central standoff bolt hole needed elongating slightly. The stator holes were wrong and I had to open the stator holes to get an air gap. The starter button took a dive and stuck in and kept driving, it got the flick. I went to leave the coffee shop today and the starter didn't engage but when I got home it was ok again. I have a 1973 850 with a CV $70 carb fitted. It works great, a bit of setup required but not a lot. I have them on 4 bikes now including 2 Norton stroked Triumphs. I have a number of Nortons and had my own business repairing old brits for 40 yrs. 22t on the box and love the roll on. 60mph at 2800rpm, right in the peak torque. I have written a more detailed article to insert in the HMCCQ magazine of which I am a co-editor. I have stuff on Youtube, British bikes by Brian and a website where I have many articles of my learning curve from over 40yrs of repairing and building Brit bikes. My life with old Brits includes a recent 2500mile trip on a built from bits 850 ES with a mate on his T150.
I have had one fitted for 2 months now. I would suggest you look at other kits than this unless you are very capable. I had a lot of fiddling to make it fit and was never happy with the engine pulley and belt supplied. I ended up making a new 1 tooth bigger pulley for the front using an off the shelf HTD pulley and an Atlas sprocket for the taper. This gave a much better pulley wrap and belt tension, 1/2" up and down 45deg twist. The supplied pulley gave over an inch up and down and over 90 deg twist way too slack. It cost me $6500 AU at the door. It was not a quick bolt in, beside changing the cradle there was weld around the starter boltup and top isolastic that had to be removed to stop the outrigger plate twisting and jamming the gearbox. Material around where the starter gear rotated in the supplied inner primary needed removing and the central standoff bolt hole needed elongating slightly. The stator holes were wrong and I had to open the stator holes to get an air gap. The starter button took a dive and stuck in and kept driving, it got the flick. I went to leave the coffee shop today and the starter didn't engage but when I got home it was ok again. I have a 1973 850 with a CV $70 carb fitted. It works great, a bit of setup required but not a lot. I have them on 4 bikes now including 2 Norton stroked Triumphs. I have a number of Nortons and had my own business repairing old brits for 40 yrs. 22t on the box and love the roll on. 60mph at 2800rpm, right in the peak torque. I have written a more detailed article to insert in the HMCCQ magazine of which I am a co-editor. I have stuff on Youtube, British bikes by Brian and a website where I have many articles of my learning curve from over 40yrs of repairing and building Brit bikes. My life with old Brits includes a recent 2500mile trip on a built from bits 850 ES with a mate on his T150.
So… apart from that… it bolted straight on !
So… apart from that… it bolted straight on !
Almost, the drillings for the outer primary dowels were wrong, only one being drilled in the new supplied primary and the one drilled hole was placed half a hole out. Other than that all is fine. I sent feedback to Norvil during the assembly so hope for any future buyer these things may be rectified. I am satisfied with my factory ES with new front sprocket and 18 roller" sprag. I have a Madigan starter which lasted about a year and my local Auto Electrical feller changed the outer body and winding to a used Toyota one and I swear it is even stronger than the original Madigan, should last longer too.
I had a year buying expensive parts for a belt drive from norvil. Mk 3. Different belt sizes pulleys and shredded rubber as the belts turned into wool !! Gave them exact dimensions between front and back shafts . In the end , cut my losses, chucked the lot and went to rgm. As in previous posts my experiences with parts and service was sh*t. I don't know how they remained in business. Roy.