Norton trouble

Maybe there should a membership vote for keep or remove this minority forum and keep the site as it was started, for Norton Commando's... or make donation compulsory for all these rich 961 people.

Forum says "Modern", I must have missed the "961 Owners Only" sign on the door... does that rule apply to ex-961 owners too?
Apparently modern means different things to different people. Don’t get all aggressive.
You're American so you don't understand sarcasm. Anyway, you Yanks started it, maybe Mr Dreer should have left well alone.:)(and no, this isn't an insult to you)
If Mr Dreer didn’t purchase the rights to Norton, you’d be riding a triumph instead.
My point was, many of these new faces never once made a comment on the “modern” section. I find it hard to believe the current situation isn’t being talked about on the classic section.
A few new faces came here to vent and I get that but no need to attack one another over it.
A usually well-informed source says:
"He sold 2 Astons before Christmas, hope the auditors see that. He also sold the Rotary he went to Bonneville with 4 weeks ago to [...] along with a 1904 Norton/ Minerva , I believe none of them belonged to him anyway. It was a cash deal £200k I believe."

I presume you and others with relevant info are sending this direct to Lee Causer at BDO!!
actually think maybe that there are 3 sides to every dispute ... “ his - his & the truth “ , hardly ever just two sides ... that why there are Judges
And with SG asthe CEO, this company whould have gone belly up with him at the helm also.......
What point are you trying to make?
My point is that Dreer is the man responsible for the 961. SG really didn’t do much as we know. All SG did was spend money that wasn’t his and lie about it.
What point are you trying to make?
My point is that Dreer is the man responsible for the 961. SG really didn’t do much as we know. All SG did was spend money that wasn’t his and lie about it.
I never mentioned Dreer! In a roundabout way I meant the Triumph!!!! Nothing to do with Dreer- apologies for the confusion.
Totally agree with you there, and I am keeping the bike cant wait for the rain to stop. Just got back from a 2 month stay in Auckland New Zealand there is a Dominator in the show room at the Norton dealers with 350 km on it apparently buyer traded it in for a Triumph.
If they are not in the accounts, how does anyone know that Norton owned them?
Who is the criminal?

It would be interesting to know if they were OWNED or LEASED. I would have thought that any investigation would be a fairly closed one especially if there is possible allegations of criminal activity. I would expect that there will be a report in the public domain at some stage, then we will know.
Till then it will be lots of speculation, some here say, some witness reports, disgruntled employees, disgruntled customers, all put together for us to read, form our own opinions and argue over.
I for on hope something rises from the ashes. The bikes have too much potential to just be scrapped.
I’d like to see it financed and run in the U.K. I believe a well financed company from abroad but made in the U.K. is better than a poorly U.K. financed company.
I feel very sorry for anyone who potentially stands to loose deposits and indeed if it is the case people who have had their machines stripped.
Re; "It would be interesting to know if they were OWNED or LEASED."
you have a point, The Lamborghini car seen there could be either or borrowed, seems a certain someone is keeping his cards close to his chest and refusing to answer any questions. . . . . .
No one has to answer any questions to us, in fact I should think at the moment this would be the last place anything official will be printed!