That's why it's important to know if the silencers are Dominator Sport or Torquer.
With catted Xpipe and Torquers you might be able to get good performance with the 077 map.
But if your silencers are Sports then your best bet will be the 090 map.
The original silencers were stamped clearly with DS or DT, but Sgt indicated his silencers were marked only with SBN.
Sgt my surging with the original OEM map and Dominator Sports occurred when cruising at a constant 4000-4200 RPM.
It was very noticeable and felt to me like detonation. Had me very concerned.
The change to 077 map fixed the serving but still had bad cold starting, and cold idling, and cold operation between 3200-4200RPM
Map 090 was a big improvement for all issues. Prior to the demise of SBN, I spoke with Carlos and he also indicated that the best map for the Dominator Sports silencers was 090.
If you have the surging like I did, then you are experiencing a very lean condition, which probably means that your silencers are Sports.
In this case I agree with BPHORSEGUY you will probably be better off with the 090 map.