The ad campaigns ingrained some things in our mind too.
View attachment 17352
The ad campaigns ingrained some things in our mind too.
View attachment 17352
A couple kick backs but probably due to kicker position...starts on 1-2 kicks.Definitely check your timing and even then it won't hurt to back it off a tad as you don't know if the engine is standard compression
Is there any kickback when you start it?
If you still have problems after this you will need to know what throttle opening you are at when the pinking occurs
Marking the throttle drum will help with this
I once had high compression pistons and a combat head on my 750 I never did stop it pinking until I changed to std pistons
It should not kick back ... mark the points stator with a scribe and then pull timing back a couple of degrees. If you use a pencil then move the marks on the stator and timing cover out of alignment that should be enough..for an experiment. If they kick back with a boyer then with standard 9to 1 that usually means 34to 36 which is way too much.A couple kick backs but probably due to kicker position...starts on 1-2 kicks.
Yes it does.Does the knocking go away if you back off the throttle?
I did not look since I was head down bad...should have known better.I'm surprised no one has asked this earlier. At what RPM in 4th gear were you loading/accelerating from?
This.It should not kick back ... mark the points stator with a scribe and then pull timing back a couple of degrees. If you use a pencil then move the marks on the stator and timing cover out of alignment that should be enough..for an experiment. If they kick back with a boyer then with standard 9to 1 that usually means 34to 36 which is way too much.
I did not look since I was head down bad...should have known better.
Well I did not get a chance to check timing today...other issues. I will check tomorrow. On the Boyer plate, which direction is retard/advance?
I understand the 30*@ 5000 grand...what about idle? And this Amal 34mkii....where is the bloody idle screw? I’m not trying to be dumb but all my Mikunis had separate engine idle adjustment screws? Sorry for the dumb questions...just new to Brit bikes coming from Japanese’s bikes. Thanks much.
I'm surprised no one has asked this earlier. At what RPM in 4th gear were you loading/accelerating from?
When you say away from direction of rotation..I wonder if the rockerarms have either locating springs or shims ? If not they will slide about and 'tap' when the engine is cold and pulling hard in top gear at low revs . whip off the rocker covers and have a look .. To retard ignition you move the boyer stator plate away from the direction of camshaft rotation. But do mark up before making adjustments..
When you say away from direction of rotation..
To Retard the ignition you turn the points/EI pick up mounting plate with Camshaft rotation
To Advance you go against camshaft rotation
In the case of the Norton to retard the timing you turn the plate anti clockwise
Throttle stop to set ground idle, Like a Mikuni carb dial you turn with a screw driver or hand. The Amal MkiiWhat do you mean by “idle screw”... pilot air screw or throttle stop screw...?
View attachment 17377
I found it. as stated before, I’m used to mikunis big idle ”throttle stool screw. Thanks much.What do you mean by “idle screw”... pilot air screw or throttle stop screw...?
View attachment 17377