Hi All,
My name is Alan and I live in the Snowy Mountains region of NSW.
This is my first post on the Norton Forum. I have a candy-apple Mk2 850 roadster. The bike is not new to me having owned it for perhaps twenty years, having hankered after a Commando as a youth. I have always considered my T160 that I’ve had since my teens as my primary bike and as such the Norton has languished somewhat and not been used very much. This is a little unfair as the Commando has not given any real trouble other than a broken tooth on third gear many years ago which surprised me. The bike is in very good condition, a slight but persistent oil leak somewhere around the head being slightly frustrating.
Living on a remote rural property, about five years ago the bike got pushed to the back of my hanger under a cover and surrounded by an aeroplane, tractors and such and had not seen the light of day since until a few weeks ago when in a moment of enthusiasm I dug it out. Whilst walking around it I turned the key, gave it a tickle and a prod on the starter. To my amazement it fired up instantly in spite of fuel that smelt putrid and a sump flooded with oil. So I decided to give it a good service and take it for a gallop. I was pleasantly surprised how it exceeded my memory of it on the road, loping along ver nicely. I’ve now done quite a few small cosmetic jobs on it and I will register it.
I realise that there is a lot about Nortons I don’t know. I even find the engineering a little baffling after the Trident, so I hope the forum will be able to help me out, so you can expect a string of very basic questions coming from me. So, hello everybody and any advice you can provide me with will be greatly appreciate.
kind regards
My name is Alan and I live in the Snowy Mountains region of NSW.
This is my first post on the Norton Forum. I have a candy-apple Mk2 850 roadster. The bike is not new to me having owned it for perhaps twenty years, having hankered after a Commando as a youth. I have always considered my T160 that I’ve had since my teens as my primary bike and as such the Norton has languished somewhat and not been used very much. This is a little unfair as the Commando has not given any real trouble other than a broken tooth on third gear many years ago which surprised me. The bike is in very good condition, a slight but persistent oil leak somewhere around the head being slightly frustrating.
Living on a remote rural property, about five years ago the bike got pushed to the back of my hanger under a cover and surrounded by an aeroplane, tractors and such and had not seen the light of day since until a few weeks ago when in a moment of enthusiasm I dug it out. Whilst walking around it I turned the key, gave it a tickle and a prod on the starter. To my amazement it fired up instantly in spite of fuel that smelt putrid and a sump flooded with oil. So I decided to give it a good service and take it for a gallop. I was pleasantly surprised how it exceeded my memory of it on the road, loping along ver nicely. I’ve now done quite a few small cosmetic jobs on it and I will register it.
I realise that there is a lot about Nortons I don’t know. I even find the engineering a little baffling after the Trident, so I hope the forum will be able to help me out, so you can expect a string of very basic questions coming from me. So, hello everybody and any advice you can provide me with will be greatly appreciate.
kind regards