She's beautiful! Does the engine turn over? Fwiw, when I brought my 850 home it was seized up. I drained what fluid was in it, and then topped it clear to the valves with ATF and Acetone mixed 50/50. I had read about it working well and decided to give it a try. The acetone was pretty hard on the alternator, turned it to cheese whiz (yah, I filled the primary too). Went away and left it to soak for a couple of months while I worked on other stuff. It really did a great job on everything else. The pistons broke free in their bores while I was taking the rotor nut off the crank. Years of crud just washed away with a bath in kerosene once I got the parts out. The pistons came out looking new. Or maybe I just got lucky. Kinda hard to know for sure. But I figured it couldn't hurt to get something soaking into all those old fasteners, but even the cylinder bores came out bright. It is hardly scientific, but it is the kind of thing that makes a guy into a believer.