Well, I've had Bonwit's rejected-dejected 34mm single Mikuni on the old girl now for a week/200 miles, and, after a couple of pilot jets changes (started at 40, dropped to 30, ended-up at 32.5), I'm ecstatic! Sure, I'm basing that off of 10,000+ mile Amals, but I've been around long enough to know a good thing when I see it. That's not to say that I wouldn't like the Premiers even more, but the wallet blah-blah-blah...
This morning on the way into work, some joker in a rice-burner dove off ahead of me into my favorite shunt lane that swoops off the side of the interstate. Not being one to be left out of the fun, I followed it in "just to observe". Picture a quarter-mile stretch that has a fairly gentle right-hand sweeper, followed by a bit tighter left-hand, then dumping back onto the interstate in an opening-up right bank. It doesn't get a lot of traffic, the surface has great traction, and all three turns are nicely supered.
I gave the Sake-sucker some room, and I'm glad I did! As I came roaring up behind him exiting the third turn, I glanced at the speedo in time to see the needle sweeping past 90 mph! This is the first time I've ever had her going that fast. Thanks to all the input I've garnered from this forum, the isos, swingarm clamps, and tires worked wonderfully. She railed over in the turns as if there was plenty left to give. Very confidence inspiring, to say the least.
Based on that little jaunt, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that she'll go well over the ton with that piece of junk Mikey carb. That, and no more stink-finger, and it'll idle at the traffic lights without needing steady pressure on the twist grip.
By the way, Bonwit, you forgot to include the dress when you sent me the carb. Don't worry about the lipstick, though, as I'm sure my wife can recommend something that would suit my complexion...
phil yates said:
When I bought my first Mikuni carburettor, it came supplied with a dress in the box.
I put that on. I think I looked pretty cute.
And I always wear lippy when I go to the pub!