A rather more interesting update. I fitted the 4-ring needles today, and there's definitely more go! Not a huge amount, but enough for me to feel it was worth it. I've now checked everything in the carbs, and, apart from the new 4-ring needles, they both have stepped spray tubes, .106 needle jets and new 260 main jets. Great. I haven't put in new .106 needle jets because it didn't occur to me to order them in time for the most recent delivery. I may add them to a future order if I remain power-curious. But the bike now pulls nicely at 80mph, which is quite fast enough for me (besides being illegal on public roads, ahem) given the standard riding position and standard European handlebars. At some point I might risk trying for the ton, see what happens.
One other thing I did today, which might've muddied the waters a bit, is to check the fuel levels using a spigoted plug in the bottom of the float bowl and a length of clear hose (
https://andover-norton.co.uk/en/shop-details/20569). I'd checked both
float heights recently while cleaning the carbs after the 12-year lay-up, and they were spot on – but the clear hose told a completely different story! Fuel levels in both carbs were way too low, by about 4mm/0.157"! So I raised them. Whatever difference the 4-ring needles made, I guess raising the fuel levels by about that much ought to have made a difference too. One curious thing, the fuel level in the right carb is now at about the minimum of what I understand is the acceptable range – i.e. 0.24" below the top of the float bowl – but the float valve seat is as far down as it'll go. Maybe I need stay-up floats, if I get those I wonder if I'll have to set the fuel levels again from scratch!
Thanks for all the thoughts and support people, as far as my bike's performance goes I'm a happy camper right now!