I really try for order and organization. I am mildly successful. Time, money and space always factor in.
A few quick tips,
Put an item away in the correct spot now instead of in a pile to get to later, this will make life easier.
If you want to keep something, make a space for it where it will be easy to find, otherwise you might as well get rid of it.
I have a large collection of labeled bins, general categories, but easy enough I can go to a bin and find what I need.
Example, I have a bin labeled rivets, it holds all my pop and solid rivets along with the tooling.
I have another with small engine parts, another with tye wraps, and many more.
I organize all my light bulbs, fuses and electrical terminal in plano bins.
It all takes some time to setup, but once done it's easy to maintain and use.