matching speedo to gear drive on my 73 850 commando

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Oct 22, 2014
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i have a 73 850 commando. i've owned the bike for 37 years but haven't ridden it. My friend just rebuilt the entire bike but installed the wrong spedo gear drive and the spedo stopped working. I sent it in for a rebuild to New York. my speedo # is 3010-9. I don't want to pull off the rear wheel today. I'm heading to Fl. I don't know what axel size I have. Need to order the right size gear drive. I think it is a 15/12 ratio I need. I want to get a new Smith's. Can not find one. can anyone help?
Rick taylor said:
my speedo # is 3010-9.

The number should be 3001/09, however 15/12 (1.25:1) is the correct ratio for the drive gearbox.
11/16" hole size, type BG5330/171 (all Commandos '68 - '74).
LAB gave you the correct part #'s ........I have had better luck recently with the asian re-pop gear box than the last Smith's gear box I bought.

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