Main bearing failure

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Rohan said:
5 year unlimited km warranty in NZ. ... ol-glx-6at

Maybe you can't drive far in NZ in 5 years... :D :mrgreen: :D

Presumeably they analyse the failure statistics ...

These new warranties are just marketing / additional revenue streams for dealers, there is no leap in reliability. Cars have been designed to exceed these mileages for a long time, think fleet vehicles. In terms of this thread the only bearing failure I have had was years ago in an early 80s Mazda that did a wheel bearing @ +250K km. Generally the most common fault now would be a sensor failure or wiring failure (cracked solder joints etc).
The folks from Toyo Kogyo fronted for some high-powered presentation here a while back, and their take on it was that bearings had improved in quantum leaps in recent times. I only had this 2nd hand, from a good source.

I can recall when cars had grease nipples on many of the external bearings, and if you didn't grease them regularly they didn't last long.
Before my time, but some are still in service today....

Cars routinely do hundeds of thousands of km these days, with only routine servicing.
That would have been pretty rare back in the 'good old days'....

Maybe its the seals, or the grease, that have improved ?!

But we diverge...
Mick Hemmings says the Combats he's seen with high mileage on the original bearings were owned by riders who liked to rev them. Could be. Lugging an engine puts more stress on it.
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