lead acid battery

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pressureangle said:
I also install a desulfator on anything I don't use regularly, and keep one on my bench batteries as well.

It sounds like voodoo, but it works and works great.


In europe the Optimate is the original and best battery maintainer/optimiser http://optimate.co.uk/about%20optimate.htm

I have a diesel Peugeot 16 years old, that is still on its original (Varta) battery thanks mainly to optimate maintenance when laid up.

Part of the secret is that by maintaining at 100% charge a batterys 'body-clock' is suspended almost indefintely.

I would rate one as essential for any laid up lead-acid battery, perhaps not so much necesary for AGM's which have a very low self-discharge rate anyway.
Keep your lead-acid battery fully charged. :) A happy one stays fully charged , not over and not under. :D . I was alarmed when the new Boeing 777 had to land with a lithium bank fire incident. :shock: Newer not necessarily better. :oops: Plus videos of said certain celphones catching fire. :?
You can add to that, satnags though some years a go and munitions - worked fine, light weight and suited the design requirement in use but not ideal for storage as it was too risky. Agree, ideal when used in the right application, but it is still early days so I'm in the AGM camp for while to come yet.
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