Need a new conventional lead/acid battery for my Alton E start Commando

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Have you checked it's a solid earth to the starter? I have such good compression on mine, I can stand on the kickstart and not move it! Maybe the battery is failing, or not fully charged?
Have you checked it's a solid earth to the starter? I have such good compression on mine, I can stand on the kickstart and not move it! Maybe the battery is failing, or not fully charged?
ALL electrical connections, spot on. acts like a weak battery - my gut feeling - even new, the battery was not quite up to factory spec. starting issue like that since day one. pretty much going to gamble the cash on a new shorai.
Maybe, I've been lucky but I've always ran Motobatts in all my bikes and get around 4-5 years out of them.
I've been thinking about the CNW starter conversion for my 74. I've done some research and I think the battery used in the pre 2004 Sportster might work.
Motobatt MBTX20U 12v, 21amp, 320cca 7"x3.5"x6"
This is what I'm using in my mk3. Plenty of juice.


  • Need a new conventional lead/acid battery for my Alton E start Commando
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I didn't have a Shorai charger for the first 8 years I had the battery - it just got charged by the Norton charging system, nothing else (no trickle or smart charger). I bought a Shorai charger later because it sounded like a good idea based on their marketing. MAYBE using it periodically from then on is the reason the battery ended up lasting 13 years but I can't say that for sure. Eight years was already 3x what I typically got from moto batts.
I have 6 yrs on a Shorai, and I keep it on a Deltran Battery Tender 800 Lithium charger when not riding it regularly.
Motobatt are Chinese batts, with a bright color case & very aggressive marketing plan. (I've had four of them) Very UNimpressive performance/longevity (at that price point).
.....and yet ANOTHER stillborn Motobatt!! JUNK, right out of the box. It wouldn't even power the neutral light, yet showed 12.5 with no load. I should have tested it before installing it. I knew better, but was in a hurry to go eat...

The ONLY reason I keep torturing myself with these, is the obscure application/size they offer.
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  • Wow
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Thanks all! Turns out the Yuasa TTZ14S is the same battery that my 2014 BMW R9T uses and since it also needs replacing, I was going to buy two...

BUT...I checked and discovered that a TTZ14S is 264 USD (each) in Mexico and they would arrive only a couple of days before we are driving back to the US. So I'll buy batts in the US and bring them down next time, a Yuasa for the BMW and a new Shorai for the Commando. Hmm...or maybe two Shorai batts.

FWIW, there are (relatively) inexpensive batts available here that will fit in the bikes but based on the price, I figure their life expectancy is, shall we say, "not exceptional!" :)
I have been using the Shorai LI battery in mine with a CNW ESTART for over 4 years now and would replace it with the same when it goes.Very pleased.
.....and yet ANOTHER stillborn Motobatt!! JUNK, right out of the box. It wouldn't even power the neutral light, yet showed 12.5 with no load. I should have tested it before installing it. I knew better, but was in a hurry to go eat...
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The ONLY reason I keep torturing myself with these, is the obscure application/size they offer.
My Motobat only work a year , with a SH775, and battery tender plug on long storage .............
Seven years and four months after purchase, not started for four weeks, yesterday my Mk3 lit up on the button with no problems...
(Supermarket fuel, too)
Some seem to be okay, charging system all OE, LED rear/brake, pilot and instrument bulbs.
As mentioned before, it's been speculated that well known brands of spark plugs are being 'cloned'..

I wonder if batteries are joining this phenomenon?

When I bought mine, Motobatt were pretty much the only supplier of AGM batteries for the Commando. Quick perusal of UK Ebay shows 850 friendly 14 amp Mottobatt at @ £77.
Three other brands claiming AGM 14 amp at £52, £42 and £36.
Dab of yellow paint, who'd know??
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Yuasa. 6 years and still reliable.
I try to remember replug the Maint. charger after a ride but otherwise always leave it on Maint.

I have long used a Yuasa speced for a GL1500 Honda Goldwing. The last one I bought was sealed, maintenance-free, lead acid. One has to be sure that the terminals have provision for side mounting. I had the current one crammed into the factory MKIII space and it could only be used with a K&N filter; it was a royal pain to service, which is why I changed to the MKII battery mount (easy in, easy out) and ham can filter. The current Yuasa is going on 5 years old. It spins the 4-brush Prestolite starter as though there are no plugs in it, even in winter, even when sumped up (don't do this). Wal Mart sells an off brand one for $50 (Last year's price). At that price they don't have to last very long but they're not maintenance free or sealed. I bought one for an actual Gold Wing that is seldom ridden and stays on a trickle charger.

Almost an AGM. Fill it yourself and push in the non removable six caps linked together.


  • Need a new conventional lead/acid battery for my Alton E start Commando
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I've used a Motobatt 16ah for the last 3 years and not connected to a a battery tender. Always shows 12.75v even if left for 4 weeks.

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