The Harbor Freight bearing puller worked like magic.
The puller has 4 different size expanding puller attachments that thread on to the slide hammer. It's really designed to pull from inside
the inner race but the tool fits into the raceway perfectly. I had to use the largest attachment (1.25") to fit properly inside the outer bearing raceway but it snugged-up nicely. I left the puller attachment in the outer race as I heated the GB shell which helped cool the race via thermal conduction. I used an infrared thermometer to monitor the shell temp. When the temp reached 175-185F I figured I'd give it a try.
I was gentle with it and after a few light taps with the slide weight I could see the race moving outwards with each tap.
It popped out after around 6-8 light taps. I'm a happy camper!
So like I said, the puller was pulling from the bearing raceway, not from behind the race. The race was flush with the shell.
I got this puller kit at HF for around $60 (with a 20% off coupon) but I see similar pullers on eBay for around $45.
I'm sure I'll use it again for wheel bearings instead of using a hammer and drift like some stone age mongrel.
I have to say I wish I'd checked this last winter when I have the bike on the lift.
If you suspect you might have an original Portugal bearing in your GB and you've never opened-up a transmission I suggest you do it.
It's very straightforward. Old Britt's has an excellent technical web page dedicated to dismantling / reassembling the AMC box (this is why you should buy your Norton parts from them ). I also have a INOA transmission service video that I bought ages ago which came in very handy.
The AMC box is dead simple. It's not hard work, actually pretty satisfying in a mechanical sense. I've never been inside any of my gear boxes before so this has been interesting. If your bearing is still intact it makes it so much easier to remove. I was very fortunate to have this fail in front of my house at 20mph. It gave me no warning before this happened.
Here are some pics for your enjoyment: