Get the 13 mm socket and heat-bam it on, Then take to shop with air impact wrench, then heat the snot of of it, like oil smoke-flame hot, then melt candle wax over it, then air impact it out. IF this fails take to shop that can just drill the head off the bolt. Do not attempt with the sheet metal toy, you will both ruin the toy and round off the head points. There are a few other ways beyond these.
Even after all the fasteners removed expect a good frustrating fight to part head from barrel, but if barrel off cases then can get to underside of head. Razor blades hammered in the seam might work just don't expect fin to level it off.
ATF and diesel or kerosine works way better than most the off the shelf thread penatrators, WD40 being near bottom of list for anything but a nice cleaner for nice surfaces or chase some water out of switches or terminals, for a week or less, if lucky.