Kickstart shaft

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Jul 16, 2019
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I've seen kickstart shafts from India and wonder if they're any good, or to be avoided. Any of you have experience with them? What's your recommendation?
Best avoided.
Kickstart shaft
Good thing I asked.

I've read the threads about grinding off the splines near the clamp bolt - is that recommended?

My kickstart shaft splines are pretty buggered, but the arm looks good. Maybe the original didn't come with this project, only good used replacements.
Good thing I asked.

I've read the threads about grinding off the splines near the clamp bolt - is that recommended?

My kickstart shaft splines are pretty buggered, but the arm looks good. Maybe the original didn't come with this project, only good used replacements.
The idea is to grind a few spline teeth off the kickstarter arm (not shaft) either side of the split/clamp.
It promotes clamping all around - not just the few spline teeth either side of the split.
A new shaft from Old Britts is listed at $171.18 for a new AN unit. Not too much in my opinion every 45-50 years. I try to give my girl the best whenever possible because in 50 years of Norton ownership I know first hand the results of cheaping out.
A new shaft from Old Britts is listed at $171.18 for a new AN unit. Not too much in my opinion every 45-50 years. I try to give my girl the best whenever possible because in 50 years of Norton ownership I know first hand the results of cheaping out.

In my experience, going cheap works out too expensive.
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