Kickstart shaft size question

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May 31, 2012
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I'm trying to stop a leak at my kickstart shaft. I tried the lip seal mod twice and still get leakage. Pulled it apart today and measured the shaft and bush in the outer cover. Shaft measures .9965 and the bush is 1.00/.999 depending on where its measured. I can get a .003 feeler guage between the shaft and bush. This seems about normal to me but I'm no expert. Any one have specs on a new shaft and bushing?
MikeG said:
I'm trying to stop a leak at my kickstart shaft. I tried the lip seal mod twice and still get leakage. Pulled it apart today and measured the shaft and bush in the outer cover. Shaft measures .9965 and the bush is 1.00/.999 depending on where its measured. I can get a .003 feeler guage between the shaft and bush. This seems about normal to me but I'm no expert. Any one have specs on a new shaft and bushing?

That is the same dimensions from my spares.
I use a Quad Ring on both kick-start shaft and gear change lever. I just got a new Andover Norton Gasket kit from Walridge for my P11 project and they are now supplying these kits with the Quad rings for these two shafts.
I have a bunch of quad rings in stock here if interested. Kick shaft, gear shift shaft and also a better clutch drum shaft clip.
Might try laying in a cig pack foil strip or otherwise build up couple .000th's the bottom of the over deep groove before next attempt.
Try this seal. Works for me. No modifications required.

O-Ring Loaded Square Profile Lip Seal 1" ID x 1-1/4" OD x 1/8" Height x 1/8" Width -McMaster-Carr Part Number 9505k23 at
Thanks all...ordered two O rings from Old Britts and they appear to be the X ring type? A square profile ring with double lips on the inside and outside.
I couldn't stop mine leaking with the x ring type. I ended up having the casing machined for a lip seal. Unfortunately, I thought the shaft on the 850 was the same as the one on the 750. not a good assumption. the splines on the 850 went in deeper so stuffed my seal. Ended up fitting a 1/8th dia O ring, filling the back of it with rtv silicone, and fitting a 20 thou shim of the correct ID next. Then fitted the kick starter hard up against it. { I used stepped bolts on my kick starters so that the larger diameter engages firmly with the groove in the KS shaft. It never comes loose nor does it leak. I had to have it apart to renew a gasket at our rally 2 years ago, and redid the seal the same way. [ same o ring ]. still doesn't leak.
ps some times you have to revert to No. 8 technology to get things dome right over here.
baldy said:
Try this seal. Works for me. No modifications required.

O-Ring Loaded Square Profile Lip Seal 1" ID x 1-1/4" OD x 1/8" Height x 1/8" Width -McMaster-Carr Part Number 9505k23 at

I like that solution. :idea:
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