Kickstart lever stuck at bottom

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Oct 31, 2018
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Yesterday I made a stop near my house after a 30 mile ride on my 71 Roadster. When I went to start it, the lever went to the bottom and would not retract or move. Luckily, my house was just 1/2 mile down the hill, so I got it rolling and jump started it and got it home.
Today I removed the gearbox outer & inner covers. When I removed the kickstart lever I noticed some play. As I removed the inner cover, the inner kickstart shaft bush was not attached to either the kickstart shaft or the inner cover case. When I slipped it on the shaft and when I put it in the inner case, it was not a tight fit either way. Every thing else looked normal except the kickstart pawl plate that is riveted on the back of the inner cover looked a bit mangled. You can see in the photos that because of the loose bush, the pawl was able to slide on top of the pawl plate, and also looks like it was jamming against the inside of the plate where it is supposed to slide. What I think probably happened was that the pawl got stuck in the gouge in the plate and would not release. The previous start was a little crunchy, but I it started and the lever retracted normally. The pawl and ratchet look ok to me. I will replace the bush, and it appears I will have to replace the pawl plate & rivet as well. I was able to find part #s for them, 04.0071 & 04.0041. I couldn't find them in the parts book, but using the search feature on the AN website brought them up.
Has anyone had this experience before? Is my hypothesis of what the failure was and proposed solution sound?
Kickstart lever stuck at bottom
Kickstart lever stuck at bottom
Kickstart lever stuck at bottom

The silver lining is that while I am in there I can change out the layshaft bearing. I have had this bike for 39 years and I doubt it was changed before I bought it.
You might find the housing has worn. Mine did so I loctited the steel bush back in place. I never had your problem so I wonder if you can kick the lever over too far. Is your lever standing up behind Top Dead Centre or in front of TDC.
You could have too much endplay in your layshaft allowing kick start shaft to move inwards so it could go past the stop. Can check / fix it as part of your layshaft bearing job.
You might find the housing has worn. Mine did so I loctited the steel bush back in place.

Yes, I was wondering about that. It looks like the bush might have been rotating in the housing. Can you recall what type of Locktite you used?
I never had your problem so I wonder if you can kick the lever over too far. Is your lever standing up behind Top Dead Centre or in front of TDC.
Well, right now it is not standing at all. In the attached photo I'd have to say its behind TDC.


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