Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas

They lost their main guy in the shop and believe that timing for a single is beyond a mortal man. My JH is behind the cylinders. Purchased from JS.
They lost their main guy in the shop and believe that timing for a single is beyond a mortal man. My JH is behind the cylinders. Purchased from JS.
Somehow my little crap-box 79 Honda ATC110 still fires first pull running a points & coil ignition and a magneto, and lights up the little DC 6V headlight and taillight with its AC power too, no reg/rec in sight. Maybe I'm missing something complicated though. Same as many lawn mowers I've owned (sans lights generally speaking though).
So here’s a question fir all. Looks like my Lucas K2F mag requires at total rebuild. Anybody here have any first hand experience with the Joe Hunt mag. E mailed Jim Schmidt and he says the Hunt mag is far superior. Just trying to not waist $ !!!
well in my 52 year of doing motorcyle restorations you cannot beat the lucas K2FC see my one is the orinial to the bike and nearing 65 years old and still in working condintion and spare parts plentyful and easy to rebuild and understand there are vidoes out there that gives you all the info you need the Lucas K2Fc was made for competion racing and reliable today there just feeling there age and need a good magneto guy to give it a rebuld it should then last you out or in to you late 80s electronics are fine but you relie on the battery even a rolls royce is as good has its battery but a Norton with Lucas fitted is better as you only need a battery for lighing only i would soon invest in a rebuid the a JOE HUNT witch is no better
I like the jh mg very much and would like to put one on the Goldstar but I would like to talk to someone who has done it already. JH is reluctant to build a mag for a single...I know the have a coil with a single output as well as one for twins but it's difficult to talk to them. Perhaps it's better now. Keeping the coil boots on the mag has been a problem.
If it’s difficult to talk to them when ordering, imagine what it’ll be like when trying to get answers to problems !

If it’s not a proven off the shelf offering, I wouldn’t proceed any further with them IMO.

A mag was stock on many beeza singles back in the day, so a reconditioned original mag would be the best option IF you wanted a mag IMO.
May be some info there ...? but I just realize it was you who start the post :rolleyes:
My post should reply to Seatle GS oups !!!!
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well in my 52 year of doing motorcyle restorations you cannot beat the lucas K2FC see my one is the orinial to the bike and nearing 65 years old and still in working condintion and spare parts plentyful and easy to rebuild and understand there are vidoes out there that gives you all the info you need the Lucas K2Fc was made for competion racing and reliable today there just feeling there age and need a good magneto guy to give it a rebuld it should then last you out or in to you late 80s electronics are fine but you relie on the battery even a rolls royce is as good has its battery but a Norton with Lucas fitted is better as you only need a battery for lighing only i would soon invest in a rebuid the a JOE HUNT witch is no better
I get it. I’ve kept the K2F and do intend to rebuild it. Was wondering what people think of the Brightspark Easycap approach
I get it. I’ve kept the K2F and do intend to rebuild it. Was wondering what people think of the Brightspark Easycap approach

The K2F does put out one hefty spark with non-resistor plugs, copper or stainless core plug wires, and standard rubber plug boots. When I had one installed on my P11 it wasn't difficult to start with the AAU, but kind of a PITA to setup initially. I have no idea how easy it would be to start locked at full advance without the AAU. I know what has been said about starting the JH without the AAU, but I'd have to do it myself to verify. The Brightspark caps would/could be worth doing if you are going to rebuild the K2F anyway.

My K2F has been sitting in a box for 3 decades. The slip ring needed to be cleaned and that was all it took to get a good spark out of it turning it by hand. I won't be reinstalling it, but I know it is still good. Anyway, the K2F can hold up to time. Mine was rebuilt in the late 70's.

Is your project running yet with the Joe Hunt magneto?
The K2F does put out one hefty spark with non-resistor plugs, copper or stainless core plug wires, and standard rubber plug boots. When I had one installed on my P11 it wasn't difficult to start with the AAU, but kind of a PITA to setup initially. I have no idea how easy it would be to start locked at full advance without the AAU. I know what has been said about starting the JH without the AAU, but I'd have to do it myself to verify. The Brightspark caps would/could be worth doing if you are going to rebuild the K2F anyway.

My K2F has been sitting in a box for 3 decades. The slip ring needed to be cleaned and that was all it took to get a good spark out of it turning it by hand. I won't be reinstalling it, but I know it is still good. Anyway, the K2F can hold up to time. Mine was rebuilt in the late 70's.

Is your project running yet with the Joe Hunt magneto?
No it’s not running yet but could be. I was coming down off a step ladder and thought the next step was the floor but I was one step up. Over I went and tore my quad ligament right off my knee cap. Ouch. 5 weeks ago I had surgery to repair it. 1 hour procedure. 6 month recovery. Problem is I can’t kick it over😠👎
No it’s not running yet but could be. I was coming down off a step ladder and thought the next step was the floor but I was one step up. Over I went and tore my quad ligament right off my knee cap. Ouch. 5 weeks ago I had surgery to repair it. 1 hour procedure. 6 month recovery. Problem is I can’t kick it over😠👎

Don’t rush things dude. If you do, you’ll no doubt pay later. Follow the recovery advice / plan and enlist the services of a good physiotherapist.

After 7 broken bones and numerous tears / sprains etc… I consider myself quite the uneducated expert in these matters !
well in my 52 year of doing motorcyle restorations you cannot beat the lucas K2FC see my one is the orinial to the bike and nearing 65 years old and still in working condintion and spare parts plentyful and easy to rebuild and understand there are vidoes out there that gives you all the info you need the Lucas K2Fc was made for competion racing and reliable today there just feeling there age and need a good magneto guy to give it a rebuld it should then last you out or in to you late 80s electronics are fine but you relie on the battery even a rolls royce is as good has its battery but a Norton with Lucas fitted is better as you only need a battery for lighing only i would soon invest in a rebuid the a JOE HUNT witch is no better
A modern Joe Hunt with the 4 rare earth magnets well out perform a Lucas K2FC any day, easier to work on if need too, point, condenser and coil all under the front cover and a bigger spark than the rest.