Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas

When talking about Wassel are you referring to the housing, the electronic ignition, or both? I know that the Tri Spark kit with housing that RGM sells includes a housing by Wassell. How is the the housing that Joe at Eurotrash sells different?
The ignition setup procedure is what I was talking about. Essentially the Trispark is a tidier package and easier to setup than a Wassell ignition.

No clue about the housing differences. Could be the same.

My bad... I didn't check RGM for a complete kit. I knew they sold the AAU replacement gear. Only reason I knew that is gpzcat posted about it when he did the magneto ignition replacement. If I were doing it, I would get the TriSpark kit and the gear to replace the AAU from RGM now that you have shown me the way. One stop shopping more or less.
When talking about Wassel are you referring to the housing, the electronic ignition, or both? I know that the Tri Spark kit with housing that RGM sells includes a housing by Wassell. How is the the housing that Joe at Eurotrash sells different?
The ignition is Wassell but I don't know who makes the housing, it was unbranded, if memory serves.
There may be a couple of makers, or there's been an update to the design. The first pic is different than mine, it's from a bike that sold on BringAtrailer. The second is the one I got from Eurotrash. As for my type, it was noted on this forum that it's not very waterproof but could be modified to seal well. I don't ride in the rain and where I live it's not gonna sneak up on me. The one from Bringatrailer may be better in the waterproofing, I am not sure of its pedigree.

I looked at the Thorspark and it looked interesting. IIRC, my housing's bearing was shot, and replacing seemed to be no simple task. So that ruled it out for me.

Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas

Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas
Yea I cane to the same conclusion on the Thor. For me its either going to be Joe Hunt or Tri Spark. Roger at RGM mentioned yesterday that for current electronic ignitions it’s best to have a current updated charging system. If so that drives the number up.
Yea I cane to the same conclusion on the Thor. For me its either going to be Joe Hunt or Tri Spark. Roger at RGM mentioned yesterday that for current electronic ignitions it’s best to have a current updated charging system. If so that drives the number up.
He might be referring to a solid state regulator rectifier, and yes a good one like the TriSpark MOSFET reg/rec is not real cheap.

As I may have mentioned, I use a TriSpark ignition in a Commando timing cover points housing on the P11, but my alternator is the same one I installed and has been in the bike since I got the basket case running in 1973-74. Hard to believe it still works, but it does with the TriSpark reg/rec and my battery choice. Point is you may not have to replace all the charging system components unless missing. Also helps a lot to minimize the wiring a much as possible and use LED lighting.

I know I'm not telling you anything you probably don't already know. Consider my babble encouragement.

Edit: Don't add up the receipts.
There may be a couple of makers, or there's been an update to the design. The first pic is different than mine, it's from a bike that sold on BringAtrailer. The second is the one I got from Eurotrash. As for my type, it was noted on this forum that it's not very waterproof but could be modified to seal well. I don't ride in the rain and where I live it's not gonna sneak up on me. The one from Bringatrailer may be better in the waterproofing, I am not sure of its pedigree.

I looked at the Thorspark and it looked interesting. IIRC, my housing's bearing was shot, and replacing seemed to be no simple task. So that ruled it out for me.

Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas

Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas
Spoke to Joe at Eurotrash and what he sells is Wassell probably made in then Orient. Thanks for the input
One last question for those of you that have fit an electronic ignition to an Atlas. Where did you mount the coils?
One last question for those of you that have fit an electronic ignition to an Atlas. Where did you mount the coils?
On my 650 they are between the battery box and oil tank. EI trigger is an a K2F mag body at the usual place
That's very interesting. What was it about the Hunt mag that made it the winner?
Big fu cking spark, easy to work on and first kick every time, no need for a battery or coils as all built in the JH, point, condenser and coil all under the front cover.
Big fu cking spark, easy to work on and first kick every time, no need for a battery or coils as all built in the JH, point, condenser and coil all under the front cover.
Ah huh. Well that’s the conclusion I came to as well. Actually looks good as well
There may be a couple of makers, or there's been an update to the design. The first pic is different than mine, it's from a bike that sold on BringAtrailer. The second is the one I got from Eurotrash. As for my type, it was noted on this forum that it's not very waterproof but could be modified to seal well. I don't ride in the rain and where I live it's not gonna sneak up on me. The one from Bringatrailer may be better in the waterproofing, I am not sure of its pedigree.

I looked at the Thorspark and it looked interesting. IIRC, my housing's bearing was shot, and replacing seemed to be no simple task. So that ruled it out for me.

Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas

Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas
I have one of these type housings that I'm considering fitting to a Norton atlas engine I'm going to buy
I'm assuming you use a non AAU type sprocket to run this?
The good thing about running a JH magneto if your battery decide to give up the ghost you still get home, when I first set up my Norton up with the JH I ran the lights off the ALT using a electronic battery emanator/reg, as I don't do much night riding the lights work but will dull when you hit the brake light ran this set up for a few years but now have installed a very small bike battery for brighter brake light and head light when needed, but still can run everything if the battery dies, of course you still got to have a working ALT that still charges and because my bike is a classic no need to run a head light during the day, I have had 2 failed EIs in my time and left me stranded, have ran 2 JH magneto's and have never had any problem with them one on my old Triumph with the older JH and clocked up over 180k km using that old JH (2 rare earth) the Norton runs the new JH with the 4 rare earth and bigger spark, have over 35k miles on it and haven't touch it, just pull the front cover off it at oil change time to check the points and a few drops of STP on the felt to lube the points cam, still have the original point but have replace the front cover and a condenser from a slide down the road.
After the accident I have brought 2 new front covers and 2 tune up kits from JH and they are still sitting in my spare parts cabinet, the tune up kits come with points, condenser and new plug leads as well running the JH my spark plugs last a very long time, in fact I replaced my plugs at 35k miles when I refitted my old Amals and they looked as good as the day I installed them when I fitted the JH so they are still in with my spare parts.
Even better I run a very simple wiring system 2 main power wires up to the head light and 2 wires running back to the tail/brake light and one earth wire, all my other wiring is under the seat in the tool tray with the battery.

I recently put a Tri-Spark in my Atlas and it gives an excellent idle that you won't achieve any other way. That is the main reason to o that route.
I recently put a Tri-Spark in my Atlas and it gives an excellent idle that you won't achieve any other way. That is the main reason to o that route.
My Norton idles perfect with the Joe Hunt, it produces a great spark at idle as well at high RPMs as long as the Amals are set right, my JH and Amals work so well together and after near 50 years of ownership my Norton has been running the best it has ever with my set up now and no need to retard the timing for one kick start with the JH, so many make a big deal about that, I have never had any problems with over 25+ years experience with running Joe Hunt magneto's on 2 British bikes.
But then mine have run straight off the end of the cam hanging in the breeze.
The last pic is when I was running PWK carbs from Jim, but had issues with them and have gone back to my old Amals, the Norton runs so much better with the Amals and as seen I have very rarely gone into my JH, once set it stays set, just pull the front cover off once in the blue moon to check the point and a few drops of STP on the points cam and as you see my bike is no show pony, its well ridden, no time for cleaning lol.
Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas
Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas
Joe Hunt Magneto for Atlas
By the way I have a 1960 Manxman project bike and if the Lucas competition magneto ever fails a new Joe Hunt magneto will be fitted without the AAU, they are so good.
So here’s a question fir all. Looks like my Lucas K2F mag requires at total rebuild. Anybody here have any first hand experience with the Joe Hunt mag. E mailed Jim Schmidt and he says the Hunt mag is far superior. Just trying to not waist $ !!!
So what did you end up doing for ignition? Still thinking about it?
I like the jh mg very much and would like to put one on the Goldstar but I would like to talk to someone who has done it already. JH is reluctant to build a mag for a single...I know the have a coil with a single output as well as one for twins but it's difficult to talk to them. Perhaps it's better now. Keeping the coil boots on the mag has been a problem.
I like the jh mg very much and would like to put one on the Goldstar but I would like to talk to someone who has done it already. JH is reluctant to build a mag for a single...I know the have a coil with a single output as well as one for twins but it's difficult to talk to them. Perhaps it's better now. Keeping the coil boots on the mag has been a problem.
I have seen the older JH on singles but as I say that was a very long time ago and they do ones for the BSA twins, I have never had any problem with corresponding with Joe Hunt and you think you being in the US of A they be more helpful for your needs, maybe only building magnetos that sell and one offs not worth their troubles, but you think there be a place to make single JHs for older bikes.