I wonder if the risk of being killed in a road race is less than the risk of death from Covid 19 ? - There are currently no road races in Australia and will not be for the foreseeable future., due to the virus. I don't know which I would prefer - road racing which includes a greater spread of infection - or what we have got with the restrictions. In Australia, we don't have the choice - the emergency powers of the health acts place us in the hands of the medical experts.
Is this a spoof? I had to check that it wasn't April 1st. Britain is run by a car/motorcycle hateing bunch of wankers who will do anything to make our lives difficult, let alone allow racing on public roads, which is why the TT is held in the I.O.M. They like us to buy vehicles, pay VAT, road tax, insurance premium tax,fuel duty & more VAT then leave the overcrowded roads to fall into a disgraceful condition. They spend more money on traffic calming & cycle lanes than fixing the roads. Motorists are the lowest of the low & bicycle riders will soon have more rights.

In Canada bicycle riders already have more rights , they are allowed to ignore all rules of the road , use sidewalks if street is congested , don’t need a permit or insurance and are provided free parking everywhere , plus they have special lanes painted on road for their use only , they have new special off road trails built for their use yearly in our parks , while all motor vehicles are forbidden to use them and finally they are protected by the 1 meter law , no motor vehicle can get closer than 1 meter to a bicycle , no excuses ..... if I was in better shape , read younger and didn’t live at the top of highest hill in town , I would have put both mine back on the road years ago
Is this a spoof? I had to check that it wasn't April 1st. Britain is run by a car/motorcycle hateing bunch of wankers who will do anything to make our lives difficult, let alone allow racing on public roads, which is why the TT is held in the I.O.M. They like us to buy vehicles, pay VAT, road tax, insurance premium tax,fuel duty & more VAT then leave the overcrowded roads to fall into a disgraceful condition. They spend more money on traffic calming & cycle lanes than fixing the roads. Motorists are the lowest of the low & bicycle riders will soon have more rights.

I got the email too. It seems to be genuine. I've never been to the IOW, but always wanted to....
This news was greeted by the IOW motorcycle enthusiasts,, just the two of them, with great delight. Whether it ever comes about, remains to be seen.
In Canada bicycle riders already have more rights , they are allowed to ignore all rules of the road , use sidewalks if street is congested , don’t need a permit or insurance and are provided free parking everywhere , plus they have special lanes painted on road for their use only , they have new special off road trails built for their use yearly in our parks , while all motor vehicles are forbidden to use them and finally they are protected by the 1 meter law , no motor vehicle can get closer than 1 meter to a bicycle , no excuses ..... if I was in better shape , read younger and didn’t live at the top of highest hill in town , I would have put both mine back on the road years ago
Here in the UK many cyclists are treated like vermin.... partly because some, sadly, act like it! Long gone are the days of cycling proficiency tests in primary (5-11) schools, the Tufty Club, road safety et al...
However, our esteemed leader is now on a concerted drive (ride??) to get the Nation: 'Back In The Saddle' (Cue: Aerosmith) as a way of reducing fallout from Covid-19. Free bike maintenance, cycling 'prescribed' by NHS doctors (Not sure how THAT one works?)
But as a confirmed push biker already, I'm afraid health advice from porky Boris rings as hollow as Bill Clinton's tips on celibacy :-)
When I was a kid, I used to ride a push-bike. If I rode too far, the bike and I used to come home on the train. Push-bikes are much more dangerous than motorcycles. I only ever feel safe on a motorcycle when I am passing the cars. In Australia, we have cycle paths which are theoretically used to get people into the CBD. Very few people use them, and If you rode a Honda CT110 on them, the cyclists would protest.
Cyclists,horse riders,Harley's, caravans,all the same to me
Always in the way on the road ,I assume they are put there by the government to slow my progress, just another annoyance in life!