Is there NO God.. butchered Commandos

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The purple one caught my eye too. As to the first one...the norton chopper. Have a heart...maybe with the correct could be presentable. One thing is for sure...the damage has been anything you did to it would be to the better and that opens a few doors for a bit of imagination without the fear of ruining a good bike.

If you don't have to worry about doing can do a bit of fanticizing, and not feel guilty about it.....unlike what I'm sure many males have to deal with in their daily homelife.....(read between lines) :wink:
question from coco

Those would be marzocchi air adjustables shocks. I had reservations about the colour but it grew on me. They were on the bike when I bought it a couple of years ago and luckily they suvived the crash last year.
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