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May 28, 2022
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Re: Advice to new Commando owner 2021: This may be a vintage thread but thanks for renewing it, Bonzo. Otherwise I'd not have found it. It's a lovely bike and I'm envious. The whole thread is inspiring. My old MKIII shows its years of commuting and touring but I'm gradually restoring it. Well, catching up on deferred maintenance and cosmetics anyway. I only found you guys a couple of weeks ago and I'm amazed at the resources. I've been lost in the wilderness for years as work and a serious injury kept me from riding for over a decade. I'm retired now and am upgrading my shop and tending to the bikes whimpering for lack of attention.
Thomas, welcome to the forum. I've sent you a private message [aka Conversation]. To access or send private messages, you need to "sign in" to the forum. Once signed in, if you have a private message, you will see a red mark by the envelope icon up in the right/top corner of the forum pages. Just click on the envelope icon to access these messages.
I can't imagine an injury that would keep me from riding for a decade, without killing me or like removing a leg/arm...

Welcome, @Thomasa
Re: Advice to new Commando owner 2021: This may be a vintage thread but thanks for renewing it, Bonzo. Otherwise I'd not have found it.
Greetings Thomasa,

Glad it helped :)

I'm a new 'kid' on the block here too, but have found the members on this forum so helpful & encouraging.
Welcome Thomasa we are all a friendly mob here and always good advice to be had, hopefully you make a few good friendships here .

Ashley (from down under)
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