Inlet upgrade?

The air intake gets its air from under the seat.

It’s a pretty tight fitting seat, not much in the way of air flow under there.

I’m convinced that’s a bottleneck in the system and most likely a factor in why Clive’s and Tony’s mod works well.
As a follow up to the seconday Air/Oil separator . When it was stated that it is mostly water , proof is undenialble . This is after the first 300 miles of this season :

Inlet upgrade?
Sat contemplating a solution for a filter to the airbox inlet, glanced over to the Sportster, pondered the intake and thought, worth a try!
It's a bell mouth with a flat/disc k&n and yep, a snug fit into the 961s airbox. So now the airbox/plenum is unrestricted, just slight interference from cables and brake pipes over the filters edge but as the inlet is now over 50% increased, should be good! Time to try it out!
Sat contemplating a solution for a filter to the airbox inlet, glanced over to the Sportster, pondered the intake and thought, worth a try!
It's a bell mouth with a flat/disc k&n and yep, a snug fit into the 961s airbox. So now the airbox/plenum is unrestricted, just slight interference from cables and brake pipes over the filters edge but as the inlet is now over 50% increased, should be good! Time to try it out!
Can you post a picture of this interesting idea ?
Can you post a picture of this interesting idea ?
Sorry Guys but no o VIP status and I don't use cloud storage but for further info; Sportster air filter is a Kuryakyn Velociraptor, 4 inch dia by about 1 inch thick k&n cartridge that fits into the top of the 961 airbox, couple of clips fabd to keep in place in case of backfires and job done. Not had her out yet but engine started and ran up fine!
Sorry Guys but no o VIP status and I don't use cloud storage but for further info; Sportster air filter is a Kuryakyn Velociraptor, 4 inch dia by about 1 inch thick k&n cartridge that fits into the top of the 961 airbox, couple of clips fabd to keep in place in case of backfires and job done. Not had her out yet but engine started and ran up fine!
Yes, that's the whole unit but I've just borrowed the filter element.
Ref. Pics, I'll take a couple when I have the seat off and forward them. Cheers!
That's it, tried a pm but couldn't attach a photo. Sits snugly into the top of the airbox. That centre plug requires glueing in!
I'll send you my email address via PM if that's ok?

Sounds like a good idea, as it must free up quite some space inside the airbox.
Posting on behalf of Al’s#5…

it looks a really nice fit and must allow more airflow !!

K & N filter.jpg
I now have to find a supplier, all thus far give out of stock
Back from a short ride out and everything feels good. Buttock Dyno indecisive ref any power inc. but it does seem to handle sub 2000 rpm better and flies from 3000 rpm. Starting seemed better but that could be the fine weather we're having.
When back from a blast the other day tickover had crept up to 1500. Tried backing off the throttle stop screw 1/4 turn and it settled down to 1250/1300 all sweet. When getting it out today it started well but the EML was lit, took it for a short run, all ok so with it hot, tweaked the stop on 1/8 of a turn, light out and running sweet, tickover about 1300rpm. Suprised to find it so touchy but there you go.
That would have saved me 5 hours of cutting , filing , sanding and polishing !
Would have robbed you of the satisfaction of fashioning them yourself though Tony. The more we work on our machines the closer our connection I guess. Use the cash you saved to buy a comfortable camp chair with beer holder, so ya can sit and admire your efforts - whilst blowing the froth of a couple of course. Result!:D👍
With this 2in. aluminum tubing :

Inlet upgrade?

I was able to construct these inake runners for my 961 Commando :

Inlet upgrade?

I was then able to begin this part of my inlet upgrade :
Inlet upgrade?
And finally this with the black 30 deg silicone elbow :

Inlet upgrade?

The aluminum intake runners match the intake ports almost perfectly now .
Inlet upgrade?
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