How many Commandos here?

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I don't see the big difference. The standard has 2 upper mounting points, the mono one. Loads are transfered to the frame in the same manner, just at different points. The only way the isos would be adversly affected is if the mono shock was run on one side, ala BMW. The mono shocks loads are transfered centrally, not causing any undue stress to the isos. To refer to it as an abomination is un necessary. Now if welded chain was to be used for the frame that would be a whole other story :twisted:
bwolfie said:
I don't see the big difference. The mono shocks loads are transfered centrally, not causing any undue stress to the isos.
Sure it does make a big difference. GP's mono shock position generates a much higher progressive load on the isos in comparison with standard dual shock position :!:
How many Commandos here?

1971 Roadster
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