I see my 72 manufactured, 73 registered Commando as a thorough bred racehorse of the 70's and as tempramental as one. I commuted to work, 100 miles per day on it in 1990, but was always messing with it, nothing in particular, but always something needing ajustment, so I bought a new Kawasaki GT750 shaftie to commute on. With 17yrs between the manufacture of these bikes, the GT Kwaker being the carthorse of its day ,the Norton had far superior handling and equivalent or better performance (my Norton engine is original build and low mileage) and just as comfy to ride. (In defence of the Kawasaki it did 40,000 trouble free miles)
Obviously performance would not stack up against a sports bike in 1990, although up to 100mph I could keep up with a friend on a VFR750 Honda.
The other point that has been made is the rider, I have been riding bikes since 15 and on the road since I was 16 (which is far too long to mention) and its suprising how much experience you have. I also have a Triumph 955i and rode round the inside on the twisties of friends on GSXRs and Fireblades and wondered why they go so slow with a look of fear on their faces and a bit of wibble/wobble. BUT, on the same Triumph (my Norton is being rebuilt) I went on the back roads with the Norton owners club (some having IOM (Isle of Man) race experience) and I could not keep up with Commandos, Dominators or Internationals. I must have had twice their power, modern fat Battleaxe tyres, twin discs up front with four pot pot calipers and I still had no chance.
So I agrree with :
Re bike performance... somebody like Nicky Hayden riding my Norton Commando would out lap me riding a Ducati 1198R Corse at the Isle of Man (or anywhere else in the world) with no trouble at all!
and I would even go one further to say that Rossi on a road circuit in T-shirt, jeans and trainers on a featherbed framed Dominator would beat someone with no history of biking, dressed in the most expensive one piece leathers with Knee sliders etc on the latest GSX1000 that he has just bought as a toy with his annual bonus.