Hi does anyone have the dimensions/positioning of the Commando tank and side cover transfers.

If Roadster I have both a Mk2 & Mk3 side covers in factory paint [used original] that I keep for reference.
The best reference is the factory brochures or contemporaneous road tests.
I don't believe they were applied using any positioning aids, as there's a fair amount of variation.
The thread "Pictures of your Norton Commandos" has some photos. I find it very noticeable when the side cover "commando" decal is not level. Some are positioned by measurement from the top of the cover. They end up angled upward on the bike and to me it doesn't look right
Are you talking Roadster or Interstate (or other) - which year?
The thread "Pictures of your Norton Commandos" has some photos. I find it very noticeable when the side cover "commando" decal is not level. Some are positioned by measurement from the top of the cover. They end up angled upward on the bike and to me it doesn't look righ
You could post photos here - I don't know what the post # is or whether it's by you or BERT

EDIT: Just checked @atmain , you or BERT have not posted in "Pictures of your Norton Commando" and there are nearly 2600 posts FFS - don't you want help?
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You could post photos here - I don't know what the post # is or whether it's by you or BERT

EDIT: Just checked @atmain , you or BERT have not posted in "Pictures of your Norton Commando" and there are nearly 2600 posts FFS - don't you want help?
Rob ss, if your question is directed to me,I don't need help. My side cover decals are already crooked! LOL, thanks to the professional who put them on his way instead of my way which I suggested. The mention of that Thread to the other person was to maybe give some perspective on decal positioning. Maybe helpful,maybe not..
Rob ss, if your question is directed to me,I don't need help. My side cover decals are already crooked! LOL, thanks to the professional who put them on his way instead of my way which I suggested. The mention of that Thread to the other person was to maybe give some perspective on decal positioning. Maybe helpful,maybe not..
Sorry BERT, misunderstood and thought somehow you had posted pics of the op's bike - my bad!
here are photos of two bikes a 1973 and a 1972 with original paint and transfers ,( not repainted)

Hi does anyone have the dimensions/positioning of the Commando  tank and side cover transfers.
Hi does anyone have the dimensions/positioning of the Commando  tank and side cover transfers.
Hi does anyone have the dimensions/positioning of the Commando  tank and side cover transfers.
Hi does anyone have the dimensions/positioning of the Commando  tank and side cover transfers.