Help identifing this belt drive kit? And should I just go back to stock triplex chain?

Oct 15, 2011
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Finally got to tearing into this after the drive belt disintegrated and wonder if anyone here can tell me what belt drive kit this is? And what belt it would use?

I guess the first thing is to get this site to let me share my images. I've tried from both Google Drive and OneDrive and keep getting message the passed link not valid. I even converted to .JPG and made sure setting was to allow anyone with link to view, edit, etc.

I bought this as a stalled project from the previous owner, who had it for 26 years, and the kit was just in a plain box when I bought the bike, along with the Boysen electronic ignition conversion. I installed both when resembling ~10 years ago and have ridden it periodically around the neighborhood and it was fine. Unfortunately he passed away last year so I cannot ask him.

Another clue: I went to remove the front sprocket and it is on tight, so assume I need to thread bolts into the two opposing threaded holes inside it to act as a puller. I had some bolts that fit the stock triplex chain sprocket but they don't fit the belt drive one. I got my tap kit out to try to determine right size for it and none fit. I then got my metric tap kit out and sure enough, appears to be M7.

That said, given how this let go on me, and how you can see the metal reinforcing wire chewed up the front sprocket, I am thinking I will just reinstall the stock triplex chain setup. This bike is mainly an antique/garage art for me as we share the same name. I get my 2 wheel kicks offroad on my KTM 300 dirt bike since I just don't trust distracted drivers here in Texas. I have read a number of threads here on pros and cons and lots of opinions. I remember asking the PO the benefits of this kit since he said he paid ~$850 for it 15+ years ago, and he said he mainly did it since one less place for the bike to leak oil.
Sounds like the belt drive was misaligned, there are many belt drive kits around and if not set upright the belt will try and run off which seems to have happened with yours, I ran a RGM belt drive kit for about 3 years but have since gone back to the chain, I have no problems with my oil leaking if you have just the centre bolt on the primary outer case just put in a new O ring seal and don't over tighten the centre bolt and don't over fill the primary.
I run 2 primary adjusters for the belt drive but running a chain they not so sensitive to alinement like a belt.
Love my Honda CRF450X dirt bike in the bush, need to get back into it.
It's easier to become a VIP member to put up pics and it helps to support Jerry for a great site.

Thank you, read that alignment was more critical and saw the double adjuster mod. Frankly I think it may have just been a 20 year old belt (10+ from when he bought it and another 10+ after I got her running).

For my use may as well put back to original. Just need to get that crank pulley off.
The crank sprocket is on a tapper with a keyway, so a pully will be needed, easy to make one and you will also need a clutch plate compressor to remove the clutch plates also an easy tool to make, a workshop manual (bible) is the way to go.
The Chainman is a good place to replace the primary chain and every other chain our Nortons run, always good to run new chains.
To pull the stock sprocket I use a steering wheel puller type tool with several different bolt threads in the kit...from a local auto store.

To post pics directly you need to become a VIP member. If non vip, To use a link to an image so it appears visible in a thread comment, it needs to be on an image hosting server like pBase or PhotoBucket.
Google drive will just make a link appear here in a comment box, so others need to click and got there to see it.
Finally got to tearing into this after the drive belt disintegrated and wonder if anyone here can tell me what belt drive kit this is? And what belt it would use?

I guess the first thing is to get this site to let me share my images. I've tried from both Google Drive and OneDrive and keep getting message the passed link not valid. I even converted to .JPG and made sure setting was to allow anyone with link to view, edit, etc.

I bought this as a stalled project from the previous owner, who had it for 26 years, and the kit was just in a plain box when I bought the bike, along with the Boysen electronic ignition conversion. I installed both when resembling ~10 years ago and have ridden it periodically around the neighborhood and it was fine. Unfortunately he passed away last year so I cannot ask him.

Another clue: I went to remove the front sprocket and it is on tight, so assume I need to thread bolts into the two opposing threaded holes inside it to act as a puller. I had some bolts that fit the stock triplex chain sprocket but they don't fit the belt drive one. I got my tap kit out to try to determine right size for it and none fit. I then got my metric tap kit out and sure enough, appears to be M7.

That said, given how this let go on me, and how you can see the metal reinforcing wire chewed up the front sprocket, I am thinking I will just reinstall the stock triplex chain setup. This bike is mainly an antique/garage art for me as we share the same name. I get my 2 wheel kicks offroad on my KTM 300 dirt bike since I just don't trust distracted drivers here in Texas. I have read a number of threads here on pros and cons and lots of opinions. I remember asking the PO the benefits of this kit since he said he paid ~$850 for it 15+ years ago, and he said he mainly did it since one less place for the bike to leak oil.
I agree, back to chain. Be aware, there are shims in THREE locations.
Charging rotor, inner primary stud and clutch basket.
Not complex, but, quite a few seem to get it wrong.
Do you have the workshop manual? If not, get it.
It's FREE.
Finally got to tearing into this after the drive belt disintegrated and wonder if anyone here can tell me what belt drive kit this is? And what belt it would use?

I guess the first thing is to get this site to let me share my images. I've tried from both Google Drive and OneDrive and keep getting message the passed link not valid. I even converted to .JPG and made sure setting was to allow anyone with link to view, edit, etc.

I bought this as a stalled project from the previous owner, who had it for 26 years, and the kit was just in a plain box when I bought the bike, along with the Boysen electronic ignition conversion. I installed both when resembling ~10 years ago and have ridden it periodically around the neighborhood and it was fine. Unfortunately he passed away last year so I cannot ask him.

Another clue: I went to remove the front sprocket and it is on tight, so assume I need to thread bolts into the two opposing threaded holes inside it to act as a puller. I had some bolts that fit the stock triplex chain sprocket but they don't fit the belt drive one. I got my tap kit out to try to determine right size for it and none fit. I then got my metric tap kit out and sure enough, appears to be M7.

That said, given how this let go on me, and how you can see the metal reinforcing wire chewed up the front sprocket, I am thinking I will just reinstall the stock triplex chain setup. This bike is mainly an antique/garage art for me as we share the same name. I get my 2 wheel kicks offroad on my KTM 300 dirt bike since I just don't trust distracted drivers here in Texas. I have read a number of threads here on pros and cons and lots of opinions. I remember asking the PO the benefits of this kit since he said he paid ~$850 for it 15+ years ago, and he said he mainly did it since one less place for the bike to leak oil.
What colour is the belt?
Thanks guys, have the clutch tool and also a steering wheel puller, didn't think to try the latter. Also have workshop manual or would have never gotten it together in first place! Especially the shims. Bummer I can't even post a silly link to images to show you guys this since would be nice to know which kit I have.

Was able to post images further down in thread thanks to kommando. Appears I chose thumbnails instead of original images in .
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Hopefully you can see pics in the above link now, including what little was left of the belt. Was yellowish, and recall originally white-ish, so probably polyurethane. Wow was there a lot of wire reinforcing it!
Your link for pics is ok but the pop ups are a pain. Consider getting a VIP membership, it will more then pay for itself considering your starting a project. If you were to consider running a belt again, any bearing belt supplier will be able to ID the belt
Thanks but not starting a project, finished it ~10 years ago. Last month the belt let go, so just going back to stock chain setup, especially since it chewed up my front sprocket.

Used to be able to post pics but guess they needed revenue and made pics part of a VIP level. I get it, but also know that it's also a hassle for VIP members to try to help without even one pic. Not to mention just which belt drive kit I have.
No keeper plate on the outside?

Be very sure about the thread before you work with a puller. 8M is a far more typical size than M7 for anything, Use the wrong bolt and that alloy speocket will shed it's threads in a second.

I don't think I have anything here that is M7 and I have bikes and cars in metric only!

I have a Bob Newby front sprocket, no you don't have that, or a Norman White one which I also have. Newby uses M8, Norman I can't remember, but I think 5/16".

Steve Maney doesn't use that belt form, I'm guessing RGM or Norvil. But someone must recognise it.

A standard Andover Norton front sprocket puller works fine with the 5/16" bolts substituted with M8. Don't use any other method, or you will have a mess on your hands.

My puller has been slotted to make it more universal, not difficult to do.
Thanks, I already lifted the outer keeper plate off and agree M8 much more common. Might just be a thread pitch difference so will confirm, though may not have to since in reviewing my receipt file I saw the PO purchased a front sprocket puller. His wife told me he had some tools that may be of use to me so I've contacted her to see if I can come search for it.

Funny he had receipts down to nuts and bolts he bought from Old Britts but not for this major purchase!
I may be wrong, but I don’t think that’s a Norvil setup, as the front pulley on mine has no recess.
It is probably a RGM belt drive. I bought a new one from BWolff back in 2011 that was advertised in our classifieds as a RGM.
CNW estart made installing it moot now,
It looks exactly like yours. Front pulley is 28T, rear is 55T. RGM site describes rear pulley as 54T, so may be a change from earlier version. Best to check with them if you plan on keeping this. M7 threads in front pulley for puller.
Same color belt. Belt labeling is "702 SYNCHROFLEX AT 10/890". RGM parts for their belt drive list that belt.
Wanna buy another belt 13+ yrs old? :cool:

Because the front pulley is tapered, follow shop guide of using a puller to place stress on pulley and strike pulley on the side to free it from the taper.
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Looks like a RGM kit , did it have a plate on the front pulley to keep the belt in line? . RGM now do a 30 mm belt that is a lot stronger then the old 32mm easy swap .the new kits are 27 front and 54 rear , the 28 front gears it up and puts less pressure on the gearbox .

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