Helmet refurb advice

robs ss

Aug 16, 2016
Country flag
Is anyone aware of someone who will put new foam/padding/lining into an older helmet?
My Davida Ninety 2 (2016) is aging and will soon be in need of repair.
Davida no longer make anything I like it so repair is an option I'm investigating.
Nothing from other brands excites either.
Wheels and Waves.png
Unlikely to have someone replace the styrene liner...too much liablity involved, no certification with gubberment types etc. This is why 5 yrs is considered lifespan of helmets by their makers.
As Rob has stated other helmets does nothing for him, nothing better than a well fitting helmet, in the old days if I liked a helmet and it started to get loser on the head I wear a bennie under it to fit better (ok in winter) or something a bit cooler or may be some extra form under the lining will do the trick, nothing worse than a good undamaged stack hat that you like and the lining is stuffed, you can only tighten up the strap so much, maybe get a ticket on yourself and get a swollen head lol.
BTW - a mate gave me a belt buckle (which I don't wear) so I ground the back bits off and... a bit of silicone...
No confusion where my allegiances lie!
Except, they've cocked up the union flag - the two diagonals on the left should be at the bottom of the white - and Red! Probably made in China!
Helmet rear.JPG
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I have written-off two helmets in crashes. I do not play with them. My helmet usually conforms with an Australian standard. When you are chucked over the front of a speeding motorcycle, once you are off the bike - you are either in the hands of God or it is dumb luck if you survive. Why reduce your chances of survival ? There is a lot of technology in safety equipment.
Every high speed crash I have ever had was due to a drum front brake, and I have had about 5.
Fergus Anderson was a top rider in the old days. He was thrown through the grass at the side of a track at high speed wearing a pudding basin helmet. A stake in the grass hit the leather part under the helmet and killed him. Even when you only ride road bikes, you are still at risk.
Bill Ivy was riding a bike through the pits at a race meeting at a little more than walking speed when he was killed - his helmet was not fastened.
As Rob has stated other helmets does nothing for him, nothing better than a well fitting helmet, in the old days if I liked a helmet and it started to get loser on the head I wear a bennie under it to fit better (ok in winter) or something a bit cooler or may be some extra form under the lining will do the trick, nothing worse than a good undamaged stack hat that you like and the lining is stuffed, you can only tighten up the strap so much, maybe get a ticket on yourself and get a swollen head lol.
There is a combination which killed a lot of riders in the olden days - drum front brakes and pudding-basin helmets. A few years, there was one in Melbourne - it was an old guy who was out on a Sunday morning ride on a classic bike, with his mates. Motorcycles look easy to idiots. They ARE NOT toys ! There are still people who watch old videos of motorcycle road racing and think it is OK. One of the Australian riders who raced in Europe in the 1950s said 'it was very cruel'. When I was a kid, I could have gone there - I would most certainly have been killed. I had the wrong attitude.
I love road racing. Risks must be minimised to a tolerable level.

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Here we go again, race track, race track, pudding helmets aren't legal these days here in Aus and if a helmet has been in an accident or damaged throw them away and get a new one, if an old helmet hasn't been damaged I can't see no reason not to refurbish them if they get lose on the head, my old helmets get turned into plant pots they have a second life and look good hanging with colourful flowers, better than colourful flowers on your grave.
In our younger days our helmets copped a lot of abuse, dropped on the ground, use as a prop stand for the bike, well with mine anyway 20+ years without a side/centre stand and if nothing to lean the bike on the helmet was used and if they been in an accident or slide down the road they be used over and over again, these days helmets are so expensive to buy or replace then we get the debate open face/full face, myself am an open face helmet person and only use my flip top helmet on long travels or bad weather, can't stand my whole head enclosed in a full face helmet, I also have better all round vision with my OF helmet, after 50+ years I still have my good looks and I have been down a few times, but I do use a MX full face helmet on my dirt bike, more chance of bad injuries riding in the dirt, I also don't wear gloves can't stand the fuckers, I like to feel my bike through my hands and yes I still have all my fingers.
The worst part about buying a new helmet you can't take them for a test ride, fitting in the shop, how many have brought a new helmet having a great fit in the shop to get on the highways and byways to find the helmet is very noisy from wind and after a short time the fitting is not so good after buying it.
My last open face helmet I brought it took me weeks before I found the right fitting one and the most expensive ones didn't fit to well on my head and I ended up with a cheaper one that so far has been the best fitting open face helmet I have ever owned in 50+ years of riding and it also has the clip on the back for the google lost my old aviation goggles that looked good sitting on top of my helmet when not using them, I wear a good set of Ray Band sunnies when riding.
I have no intensions of testing my helmet out on the road.
