Halfway rearsets anyone? (2020)

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robs ss

Aug 16, 2016
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Has anyone tried (successfully or otherwise) or seriously contemplated "mild" rearsets?

The ones I've looked at that are commercially available (NYC Norton, CNW, Madass...) all seem to put the footpeg back by about 8 inched (to around the centre of the 3 hanger-mounting bolts.)
That is too far for me - mocking a pair up tells me I need to shift them aft by about 3 inches (I'm 5' 11").
I have a feeling I'm probably not alone in feeling this need.

I was thinking about buying a pair of hangers and shortening/welding them by that 3 inches..

The left side (brake) is easy - the brake pedal will also need shortening a bit.

The right side is more difficult. First there is the gear lever - could be overcome with a shortened version of standard rearset linkages - may look a bit crowded?
Then there is the kickstart lever - not sure how to solve this - yet.

so... thought I'd start a thread to allow collective and productive solutions to this.
Hopefully someone has already been successful in this endeavour.
I did it some 20 years ago to my Mk3 850 so its not quite what you want, but it works well for me.
I did it some 20 years ago to my Mk3 850 so its not quite what you want, but it works well for me.
Would you mind posting a couple of photos Dave?
Mine’s not a Mk3 but there’s probably some common ground here.
I’ve often thought that would be the idle set up as well, haven’t come up with a solution yet, will be paying attention to this thread.

I did it some 20 years ago to my Mk3 850 so its not quite what you want, but it works well for me.
Thanks for your photo Dave - a little more rearward than I was thinking but food for thought.
It's also MkIII - but that'll work for some folk.
Halfway rearsets anyone? (2020)
For someone with a reliable super-duper electric start, that picture has promise...

With the kickstart removed, a rear set type gear level could pivot from the footrest mount positions shown, attached by a short linkage.

I reckon it’d work really well.
I copied cashes pegs 10 years ago, I find it very comfortable, made a new brake pedal and a linkage for the gear shift
Ended up laying the kick start lever over so it was under the footpeg ,if you can find a picture of some norman hyde rear sets you can see what that looks like, dont really like the way it looks but it works ok
Has anyone tried (successfully or otherwise) or seriously contemplated "mild" rearsets?

The ones I've looked at that are commercially available (NYC Norton, CNW, Madass...) all seem to put the footpeg back by about 8 inched (to around the centre of the 3 hanger-mounting bolts.)
That is too far for me - mocking a pair up tells me I need to shift them aft by about 3 inches (I'm 5' 11").
I have a feeling I'm probably not alone in feeling this need.

I was thinking about buying a pair of hangers and shortening/welding them by that 3 inches..

The left side (brake) is easy - the brake pedal will also need shortening a bit.

The right side is more difficult. First there is the gear lever - could be overcome with a shortened version of standard rearset linkages - may look a bit crowded?
Then there is the kickstart lever - not sure how to solve this - yet.

so... thought I'd start a thread to allow collective and productive solutions to this.
Hopefully someone has already been successful in this endeavour.

Unless you have ridden with the rear sets you may want to first. Mocking up is one thing.

Are you using a Roadster tank?
No - Interstate

Not sure how to get a set to test, without buying a set - expensive if I don't like them.

Do you have any other bikes, more modern, perhaps? How do those feel?

With the Interstate and rearsets your hips will be directly above your feet.

With “mids” it will probably feel like a stock Roadster.

Try some other bikes as take note your hips/feet relationship.
On my 74 mk2a I shortened mine by 2" brake side was challenging but I got there in the end ,bought some second hand ones in case I ever wanted to change back lot more comfortable having size 13 feet brake and gears are easier
Do you have any other bikes, more modern, perhaps? How do those feel

I have rearset pegs on both my featherbeds that are in the position recommended by Norton - something like 1.5" below & 0.5" forward of swingarm pivot.
They're comfortable for me but they aren't as far rearward as the Commando ones - but I guess the seat is further forward on the featherbeds.
I'll ponder a bit longer!
Rule of thumb for me is to have the lower leg in line with upper torso.

Sit on the bike and and get someone to take a good side on picture, use above rule of thumb, and at least you’ll have a starting point.
Rule of thumb for me is to have the lower leg in line with upper torso.

Sit on the bike and and get someone to take a good side on picture, use above rule of thumb, and at least you’ll have a starting point.

When you say "in line" do you mean same angle?
I apologise if my artists renditions aren’t to scale and thus don’t adequately convey ergonomics and comfort. I was merely trying to answer your angle question...

The artwork is fine and I completely understand your proposal now.

Personally I’ve always found that if I can comfortably carry my weight with my legs, similar to riding a horse, I feel best. Obviously I’m not always using my legs but just knowing my legs can take the weight feels better.
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