Margie and Jerry to the rescue
I could not remember my pw and i have no access to email so i couldn't reset it..
I was starting to have trouble breathing in November. Dec 3rd, I was using oxygen full-time, and that evening, it was not enough so I took an Uber to the ER.
Was in full afib and had a clot in my lung. Several days of IV blood thinners for the clot, and working on heart failure. Monday finally had a plan, but it keeps changing. Had a heart catheter yesterday (exploratory, no standard heart problems). Had a CT scan of my heart today looking for clots, none found. That all should mean cleared for a cardioconvert on Thursday. Shock it back into rhythm but from the inside. Assuming that happens/works i should go home Friday.
Thanks for all the thoughts, I have been reading, just could not respond. As always, feel free to call.