Great ride

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Yep Foxy, the red ones from Tony Hayward. First one I was definitely running too tight and I think this one was as well, despite loosening it off some. It probably has done over 10,000 miles (in a lot of heat) so I set to the other day and backed it off a bit more. I'm thinking about trimming the outer guard on the crankshaft pulley so that I can change the belt without pulling the alternator rotor or pulley. I'd only take off enough so that I could just slip the belt over but it would make the job somewhat quicker and easier. Lining up the keyways on the pulley and rotor was a bit difficult by car headlights but not as bad as I'd thought.

Despite this, I still wouldn't trade my belt drive for the world. I love it. So there Mike !! Carrying a spare belt wouldn't take up much room and if you didn't need to pull the pulley you wouldn't need to fit the puller in your kit, just the belt. Along with your other tools of course.

I also carried a spare Tri-Spark ignition unit with me as Steve had sent me a warranty return unit to test. It's done over 1000 miles in the last few weeks after fitting with no issues whatever. I love these units too. If you want a Commando to run like a gem and idle with absolute reliability these are the business. No mistake. I pull to the head of the queue at traffic lights with absolutely no worries about stalling when the lights turn green. 10 minutes to fit and time. Fabulous.

This really has given me even more confidence to ride the hell out of my Commando to wherever and whenever. Not that it was lacking before.
so where on that map is my favourite reason for not wanting to swim off Australia - the Blue Ringed Octopus? blood turns to Jelly and dead in 20 minutes anyone?
Gday Fullauto, wondering who's Tony Hayward?

G'day gory, yeah we've got it all here in OZ or venomland. That little golf ball sized octopus carries enough venom to kill 26 adults, more poisonous than any land animal etc! Found from Steve Erwin through to Sharks with frikin laser's on the map. They are normally docile but their brown spots turn a blue ring when threatend, then its usually too late and your bitten! I havent heard of anyone dying recently though?
swooshdave said:
GRM 450 said:
Not to mention the Drop Bears, and the Hoop Snakes!

Great ride

So which hazard do you live by?

San Francisco :(
I've always wanted to visit Australia some day, but now I don't know. Looks pretty dangerous! I don't know what's worse, the Drop Bears or those Maneating Koalas. And they look so cute and fuzzy too. Who knew! :P

Thanks LAB for the heads up on Haywards, I got my belt drive kit from RGM and haven't looked any further than that.
Hey Debby, that map is alot far fetched, so I think any Norton riding gal can handle a trip to down under anytime!
Regards Foxy
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